Chapter Three

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3rd POV

The Weasleys stared at the two boys. So did Thalia. She was shocked to say the least. After shuffling to the couch, the red headed family couldn't peel their eyes off of the boys who were awkwardly standing in front of them. Finally, Thalia spoke. "So, there's another one. That's just fanflipping-tastic. Camp does not need another Percy. Neither does the council. Neither does New Rome. Neither does the world!"

"Ok Thalia, we get your point. There is already enough of me in the world. And for your information, me and Harry are probably nothing alike. We haven't seen each other in nine years for Hades' sake." Percy exclaims.

"Percy how many times have I told you not to use my fathers name in vain?" Says a figure who walks out of the shadows. Harry study's this new person.

He is pale, way more than either Thalia or him. He has slightly shaggy hair that is the blackest black Harry had even seen before. His eyes were the same color. The boy was wearing black combat boots and black jeans. He was wearing a black t-shirt for a band Harry had never heard of. Percy glances towards Nico, slightly annoyed, then a grin breaks out on his face. "Nico! What are you doing here? How is Will? How are the rest of the seven? How's Annabeth?" Percy his cousin.
"Everyone is fine and stop bugging me about my relationship." Nico tells Percy.

"BUT SOLANGELO FOREVER! It's my ship!" Percy exclaims at his cousin. Nico just glares at Percy before turning towards Harry.

"Nice to meet you. You must be my new cousin." Nico tells the new boy while Harry quickly composes himself and shakes Nicos outstretched hand.

"So. Weasleys, I would like to introduce Nico Di Angelo, my cousin. This is Thalia Grace, my other cousin. I have two more cousins but there not here. Anyways, I assume that you already know Harry, so I will now formally introduce my self. My name is Percy Jackson, son of Pos-, you know what? I'll be right back."

Percy rushes out of the house, and creates some mist out of the water particles in the air. "Oh Iris, please show me Hecate, goddess of magic." Percy said as he threw a drachma into the rainbow. Soon after that, an image shimmered in front of him.

The goddess just glanced at him and said, "Yes, you may tell the Weasleys and your brother about yourself and our world. Now I must go, goodbye Perseus." Hecate's image shimmered away, leaving a dumbstruck Percy. He just shrugged and rushed back inside the house.

"Ok. As I was saying, I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, water, and horses. This boy here," Percy said, pointing to Harry," is my twin brother, Harry Potter. I will now take questions."

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