Chapter One

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Percy's POV

I woke up to sound of a voice. The voice of my amazing girlfriend, Annabeth. I open my eyes to see blonde princess curls and calculating grey eyes. "Wake up Seaweed Brain." She told me, while gently shaking my shoulders.

    "I'm up, Wise Girl, I'm up." I tell her while sitting up. She smiles at me and tells me that it is time for breakfast. I get up and start to get dressed. As Annabeth leaves, I can't help but let my thoughts wander to my brother. My Twin. It's been nine years since I last saw him. I don't even know if he is alive. I really hope he isn't dead, because I have already lost so many friends in the last two wars. First was Kronos, and then Gaea. Then falling into Tartarus with Annabeth. I was really hoping that my life could calm down. But I still feel really bad about not telling anyone from camp about my past. Not even Annabeth and Chiron. Not even the gods know.

I started walking to the breakfast pavilion.

After breakfast, Annabeth and I were sitting on the beach. Suddenly, I hear yelling behind me. I turn around and see Grover running towards me. Once he reached me he said, " Perce, Chiron wants to see you at the big house. Like right now. Says the it's important." He said before running off.

I walk down to the big house by myself. Once I get there, I see Chiron standing there, with a worried expression. "Oh hello Percy. I have another quest for you." I groaned.

"Really, Chiron? We just won against Gaea, and that war was tiring enough. I was hoping that my life would calm down." I told him. He looked at me with a sympathetic eyes.

"Yes, I know. But I'm afraid that you have to do this. You were specially requested by a goddess. Hecate herself." Heacte? The goddess of magic? Why me? He started talking again. "You see Percy, there is another magical, mythical world. This magical world is wizards. They are all around the world. Right now, there is a dark, evil wizard rising again. His name is Voldemort." My eyes widened when I heard that name. Wasn't that the name of the evil guy who tried to kill me and Harry? "You must go to London, to a wizarding school." I nodded in response."Ok, since you will be spend a while there, you might want to practice a British accent." I nodded again. Ever since the attack when I was eight and I came to America, I had been perfecting my American accent. I let it drop and started talking in my original British accent.

"So, how is this?" I ask him, smirking on the inside as I saw his eyes widen.

"I'm not even going to ask you did that." He told me. "But you have to go pack your bags. You will be leaving in thirty minutes." With that, he trotted down to the archery range.

I went and packed my bags. I was really excited. I could find Harry again. I wonder if he remembers me? He better, because if he doesn't, I'll be sending him to the Underworld.

After I finished packing, I went and said my goodbyes. When I walked into the Big House, I saw Chiron standing next to a women. "Lady Hecate." I said as I bowed.

"Stand hero." Hecate told me as I stood. "And it is just Hecate."I nodded.

"Now, are you ready?" Chiron asked me.

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay. Close your eyes. I will bless you with magic and all the knowledge of the wizarding world. Then I will send you to where you will be staying, a family named the Weasleys'. They will then take you to the wizarding school." She told me. I kneeled again so she could bless me. When she touched my forehead, I felt a weird feeling rush through my body. I suddenly felt my brain fill with magical knowledge. I felt smarter. I stood up and thanked Hecate. She smiled at me. Suddenly, I felt a strange tug on my gut, and I felt my vision twist. Just like that night.

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