Chapter Twelve

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Hello Lovelies! 

I'm going to start putting intros on my chapters, so tell me if you do or do not like this! I love your guys feedback. I just posted the first chapter to my new Jercy story, so please check it out! Oh and I'm going to update more. So ya, make sure to read last chapter or else you'll be confused. 

On with the story!


Third POV

The pounding of footsteps could be heard in the hallways of Hogwarts. A girl struggled as she ran, panting in small breaths. Her blue eyes roamed the hallway behind her, checking to make sure she hasn't been followed. Or at least that whatever was chasing her hadn't caught up. Her brown hair swished around her face and her head swiveled from side to side. Her feet began sprinting again, trying to outrun what was chasing her. She knew this moment was coming. Ever since she had started having dreams, she knew something or someone would try to take advantage of it.


Her legs strained as she sped up, running up a staircase as quick as she could. She had no idea how she knew where she was going, she just did. Her mind shuffled through the memories of the people she were looking for. 

Two boys. That's all she knew.

At the moment. She knew that once she found them, she would know. It would click, complete her. 

The girl heard more grunts behind her, getting louder signaling that the thing was getting closer. 

"Help! Please someone help me!" She yelled out, hoping someone would hear her. She collapsed against the wall, exhausted from straining every muscle in her body. She may have been a very athletic person, but she was out of shape from the darn cheese puffs. 

She cautiously stood up and started walking quickly, however froze when she heard a growl behind her. She slowly turned around to be met with a gruesome sight. 

A half man half bull stood behind her. except not the usual kind. No. This one was normal on one side of his body while the other half  was the muscles that should be underneath the skin, all bloody and bruised. In his hands was gripped a spiked club with tiny daggers along the sides. Around the beasts neck was a necklace of skulls. And not all of them were human. Tears were forming in the girls eyes. She was scared, obviously. Despite who her 'dad' was, she was scared in this moment. She felt panic rise in her chest. Or maybe it was her heart thumping, maybe she was having a heart attack. Her jeans had ripped knees and her jacket was scratched up. Her brown hair was falling out of her ponytail and her pale skin was battered. 


She screamed for help again, losing hope that someone would come save her. The beast advanced, getting closer. Just as she thought that she was going to die a man ran in front of her. She could only see the back of said man and could see his messy black hair poking out of a blue beanie on his head. 

The boy was holding a sword which he then used swipe at the monster. Because of it's massive size, the beast wasn't the fastest when depending on reflexes. The sword cut right through the stomach, causing golden dust to pour out until the whole monster was a pile of golden dust on the floor. 

The boy turned to look at their girl. He held out his hand and with a small small said, "Hey, I'm Percy. What's your name?" 

The girl uncurled her body and hesitantly took the offered hand. She gave a tiny almost nonexistent smile back. 

"Sydney. Sydney J. Potter."

Hello guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the wait! 

Anyway this chapter goes out to @SlytherinzPrincess for her character as Sydney, I loved her idea and thought it was unique, so I hope you like her. 

Shout outs:




Question of the week: What is your favorite book of either/both series? 


Harry Potters TwinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant