Chapter Eleven

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3rd POV

Ava and her best friend Sam were sitting in the library, just hanging out. They had been best friend for years, since their first year actually. They would hang out in the Common Rooms, but Sam was a Slytherin. And she fit the title well. She even looked like a Slytherin. Sam had pale skin and dark brown eyes. Her hair was a dark purple that faded to a blue. Sam had a sister, who was also a Slytherin, but they didn't get along well. Ava had been hoped that they would patch things up, but gave up hope once she witnessed some evil pranks they pulled on each other one summer. 

Sam was ambitious and cunning, obviously. She was smart and knew how to get what she wanted. She had snuck into the kitchen many times late at night. She had even snuck into the Gryffindor Common Room. Ava and Sam rarely lied to each other, and when they did, it was for the others health. Many people thought that Sam had a crush on Ava, but this was not true. Sam had the biggest crush on a fellow seventh year, a girl named Emily.

Emily was a Ravenclaw. They had talked a few times and it was mostly just assigned projects, but that didn't stop Sam from being absolutely smitten. Emily had curly blonde hair that fell into perfect ringlets down her back. Her green eyes shined bright with intelligence, almost as bright as her smile. Her lips were plump and a pale pink. Her skin was soft and tan. 


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Yep. Sam had been thinking about her way too much. 

Ava thought it was adorable how Sam would fawn over Emily, but Sam thought that she was being a creep. Kind of like Leo.(Percy told Ava who then told Sam about the Argo II) 

"Hey, can you help me with the Potions homework? It doesn't make any sense." Ava asked, snapping Sam out of her thoughts. 

Sam looked at Ava with an expression resembling a deer caught in headlights. "What? Oh, oh, ya of course. What do you need help with?" Sam and Ava started working on the homework, helping each other when needed. They sat their for about three hours, just doing homework and joking around. They only stopped when it was time for dinner, both running through the hallways to get to the food. Sam had an appetite as big as Ron, maybe even bigger. Once they reached the doors, they hugged and said goodbye. Sam walked over to the Slytherin table, while Ava walked over to the Gryffindors. 

Once they both sat down, Ava shot Sam a small smile. Everything would be okay. 

Hey guys!!! Okay so I am so sorry for the wait. Really:( 

Sorry for such a short chapter, this is really just a filler. So Sam is @Sammy1307 , so I hope you like your character Sammy! 

Thank you so much for reading! The wait times should be shorter so I will update more.





Thank you so much for commenting on my last chapters! Just a reminder, if you want a shoutout, all you have to do is comment on one of the latest chapters and I'll mention you! 


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