Lucy snorted "Well you clearly don't care,"

I backed away as she walked towards me, Clo came over and hugged me, Lucy scowled "Do you mind?"

Clo glanced up at me "I'll explain the drama later, it's a long story baby."

"You're not mad at me?" I frowned brushing her hair back.

Leaning up she kissed me, slow, lazy and relaxed...and tongue was involved.

"Now that," I heard Shan laugh, "is a girl laying claim to her man."

When we pulled away Lucy had disappeared, Jodie pulled a face at Clo "Anyone got a bar of soap."

"Why?" Brook asked confused.

"She needs to wash her mouth out, Rye germs." Jodie grinned.

Clo raised a brow and going over to her wiped her hand down Jodie's arm "Free Rye germs."

"NOOOO TAKE BACK YOUR BOYFRIENDS GERMS!" Jodie shrieked, Clo laughed dodging her, only for Ozzie to grab her throwing her over his shoulder he laughed "I got this. Mars."

"NOOOOOO YOU GUYSSSSS!" Clo shrieked as Marley took her legs, Ozzie had her hands and they started swinging her. Jules grinned "Wait I wanna jump over her!"

"THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE! I AM A BOOKWORM CLUE IN THE AAAAAH!" she shrieked as Jules dived over her, Marley grinned "You alright there?"


"I'm sure everyone would love to know who you lost it to." Marley laughed.

Clo growled "PUT ME DOWN I'M NO TOY!"

"RYE WOULD ARGUE THAT!" Marley winked.

Marley paused "Oh yeah you need to like reward Rye, he acted as a human shield for Serena."

At the same time they let her go and she hit the ground with a jolt groaning she said "I hate you both. I need oil...I'm too old for this."

"Drama queen." Ozzie laughed.

Going over to her I said sitting next to her "You alright?"

"Peachy." she winced rolling over and looking at me, I looked away "It was nothing. If I hadn't I'm not sure the car would've stopped."

"You know what Ryan Beaumont," she hummed closing her eyes, "I hope our story never has a end..."

Glancing at her I leaned down kissing her lightly, she chuckled pushing me back slightly "Not now, I'm shattered. Rick's an ass."

"Hey," I said nuzzling her neck, "I love you."

Smiling she kissed my lightly "Sap."

"Yeah but I'm your sap." I chuckled.

"Yes," she chuckled, "you are."

"Hate to ruin that awfully cute moment," Marley drawled "but we have to get coming or staying?"

Clo glanced at her "Mars..."

Marley smiled "Promise me you'll come visit us? The kids and I will call you ever week,"

"Learn French." Clo smiled sadly getting up she hugged Marley tightly, "Lea is one of many. If you need love advice I'm sure the kids will help."

"God," Marley laughed squeezing her tightly, "we're a family again..."

Ozzie went over and hugged them both "Yeah...just without this one joining us."

"I don't think I could deal living with you lot." Clo grinned.

Serena sniffed "Why can't you come? I want you to come."

"Yeah," Lizzie and Jules chorused.

Clo chuckled "I have a life here, I'll come visit though."

"But..." Serena sniffed, "you have to come to see me on all my birthdays. Bring Rye and the others too."

"I'll do my best sweet," Clo smiled cuddling her.

Carolyn came over to me "Take care of her,"

"You're back with John?" I frowned.

She smiled faintly "Love is more than a feeling, it's a choice. We still love each other...we want to make this work and we choose each other."

"Clo," Carolyn smiled at her, "give 'em hell."

Clo fought a smile "Yes mam."

"And then you must tell us about the carnage you cause when you go for your dreams." Ozzie smiled.

Clo rolled her eyes "Sure."

"No getting pregnant anytime soon." Marley snorted.

Clo narrowed her eyes on Marley who smiled "Be nice."

"You know Matt was goddman awful at hook ups." Clo said dead pan.

Marley gaped at her "You did not...DID YOU ACTUALLY?! How?"

Clo smirked "One day I'll tell you how that happened. It's entertaining."

"No you can't-" Marley paused as John said "Packing to do folks." Glancing to Clo he frowned "You're sure you don't want to come? It'd be a fresh start..."

"I ain't starting over anytime soon." Clo laughed, "have fun in France."

They walked away. Andy looked at her "And why don't you want to go with them?"

"I'd miss my girls too much," she grinned, "and you boys...oh and this guy called Rye."

Laughing I tickled her "You're real funny."

"Uh-huh," she laughed kissing my cheek, "I think so."


*chuckles* soooo I get the feeling you lot didn't like Lucy? xD Hope you're all having a good day 

love Clo xox

Stand By You (RoadTripTV FANFIC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora