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We spent all day with Aria..and the girl is pretty..close to Joe...when Joe wasn't around,she wasn't nice,she would give me the look and stick her tongue out at me.

Joe dropped her off before he took me home,"She was...sweet." I smiled,he walked me to my door,"I still don't have your number."  Joe smiled,I wrote my number down on his hand,"There. Night." I kissed his cheek,"Hey!" he pulled me closed and kissed me. 

I giggled and put my hands on his sides,the kiss got deeper and it kept taking my breath away,I felt his tongue slip into my mouth,I smiled softly as he moved his hands up my body. I pulled away,"You have  to wait to get in my pants. I'll see you tomorrow." I pecked his lips,then I headed inside. I smiled,walking up to my bedroom.

"I don't know how to tell her,babe! I'm pregnant and she's becoming a sister." I heard my mom say,I looked down,"She knows we've been trying,we can just tell her. She might be excited." my dad said.

I headed to my room and locked the door.

I layed on my bed,crying. This is my nightmare. "Demetria,baby,can we talk?" my mom knocked on the door,"No,go away." I curled up into a ball on my bed. "Demetria,open the door right now!" my dad knocked.

"NO. GO AWAY." I yelled,"Don't yell at your father,Demetria." my mom said,I ignored them and picked up my phone.

"Can we please tlk? I miss u." Matt texted me,delete.
"Hey babe. What's up? :)" Joe texted me,a smile appeared on my face,"Helloo :)" I replied.

It was around mid night and I couldn't sleep,I picked up my phone and dialled Joe.

"Hello?" he answered groggy,"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." I sat up,"No,I wasn't asleep long...what's up?" I sighed,"Can you come pick me up? I'll tell you why later...please?" 

"Yeah,I'm  on my way." Joe hung up. I climbed out my balcony and waited on him in the driveway. H

He pulled into the driveway and I got in,"Where do you want me to go?" he looked at me,"Your place,anywhere,but here." I sighed. He drove off to his hotel. "What happened?" 

"My nightmare.." I looked out the window,"What do you mean,babe?" he put his hand on my thigh,"My mom's pregnant..." I sighed,he sighed also,"Oh..."

We went inside his hotel and into his room,he took off his shirt and layed on his bed,I climbed in the bed right beside,he put his arm around me,"You know...you have nothing to worry about,babe...." Joe looked at me,I looked up at him as we entwined our legs together. 

"You'll be a good big sister,I know it...and look at it like this...you're 18,you'll be off to college soon,so you'll only see during holidays and breaks." he stroke my arm,I smiled a little bit. "I guess you're right.." I played with his fingers.

"I know I'm right." he grinned,I pushed him playfully,"Thank you for picking me up,Joe..." I smiled,"It's nothing...you sounded upset.." he kissed my forehead,"Night,babe." I snuggled next to him.

The next day,he drove me home,well he headed home with me,we invited Selena and Nick to come with. I headed inside with Joe. "Demetria,where were you!? We've been worried sick!" my mom crossed her arms.

"Sorry,I went over at Joe's. Congratulations on the pregnancy!" I said with such sarcasm. I headed to my bedroom and changed into a neon pink bikini,I grabbed some towels,I headed to my backyard with Joe. 

I threw some pool doughnut floats in the pool,soon Selena and Nick came by."Hey guys." Selena smiled,"Hi." I smiled,I got into the pool,I sat in the hole of the doughnut. "Nick gave me his sperm." Selena smiled, Joe and I stared,disgustingly.

"You're just 18,you'll be going to University of Texas,remember?!" I looked at her,"I don't care,I love Nick." she smiled,"Is she stupid?" Joe whispered,I laughed,"Well,don't expect me to help." I smiled. Joe hopped on top of me.

"JOE!!" I laughed,"You're killing me!!" I tried to push him off,he laughed and hopped off. We looked over and saw Selena and Nick making out,I smirked at Joe,he laughed,he got on his own float,I got off mine and sat on his lap,putting one of his arms around him.

"Can I be honest with you?" he put his hands on my lap,"Yeah." I smiled,"You're badass,spoiled attitude, turned me on." he smiled,I laughed,"Nothing really turned me on about you." I smiled,"Ouch,Demetria." he smiled,he took a wet strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You know I can't buy you luxurious gifts.." Joe stared into my eyes,"I know..I don't care about gifts." I pecked his lips,"I forgot to ask..you going to college?" I played with the back of his hair,"Yeah..I got good grades,so I got the hope scholarship...so I'm going to  Rowan University in New Jersey,what about you?' he stroke my leg.

"NYU." I smiled,"Thats awesome,babe!" Joe smiled.

I kissed his lips,cupping his face,the kiss was intense again,he left his lips and traveled to my jawline,I bit my lip,smiling.

He went down and began to suck on my neck,"Is it okay?" he looked at me,I nodded,he continued biting and sucking on my neck,giving me a big hickey.

I moaned quietly.

We were enjoying each other,until Nick flipped us over.

"Dude,come on!" Joe glared.


It'll get better xoxox

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