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I slipped on a floral off-the shoulder shirt with white shorts,then I slipped on silver gladiator sandals,"I'm going out,again." I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket,I headed outside,"Okay,let's get this over with." I got in his car,"Alright." he started his car and drove to the mini golf place.

Joe finally turned on his radio,"Oh thank god." I laid my head back,"What?" he smiled,"You finally turned on the radio for the first time I have been in your car!" I complained,he just chuckled,"I wasn't in the mood for music." he looked at the road,"Can you turn it up?" I looked at him.

"Sure." he turned the volume up,"All I want is the taste that your lips allow,my, my, my, my, oh give me love.." I sang quietly. Joe pulled into the parking lot and it was empty,"Wow,it's closed." I crossed my arms,"Oh really?.." Joe smirked,he parked and got out.

"Oh no." I rolled my eyes and got out,and followed him,"It's closed,dumbass." I crossed my arms,"No,it's not." he started climbing the wired fence,"You're insane! We're going to get caught!" I watched as he climbed down the other side,"No,we're not. They wouldn't know." Joe said,"Now come on!" he looked at me.

I sighed,"You're crazy." I began climbed the fence,"If I break a nail,I'm going to kill you." I glared,"Oh whatever." he rolled his eyes,I climbed down the fence,"Okay,what now?" I glared,he led me to the putters and balls,"Pick a ball and a putter." Joe said,I looked at him,kind of amused. "What now,Princess?" he sighed.

"Have you done this before? Cause it seems like it." I looked at him,"I might of done it once or twice  before..."  he smirked,"Awesome..."  I picked a pink ball and I grabbed my putter. We headed to the first hole,"You first,Princess." he said.

"You know it's more fun when music is playing," I put my ball down,"Well,can't have everything." he crossed his arms,"So are you going to play or not?" 

I glared at him,I lined up my putter to my ball,I then hit it with enough pressure and it went straight into the hole,"HA YES! HOLE IN ONE,BITCH!" I went and grabbed my ball from the hole and got out of the putt,"It was luck,now watch this." he smiled,he hit the ball and hit bounced off the course,I threw my head laughing.

"Wow,you sure showed me!" I laughed,he smiled,"Dammit." I handed his ball and he started over again.

It took him 5 times to get it in the hole,"Finally the 2nd hole." I laughed,I put my ball down and lined up my putter to the ball and hit it gently,"Are you a golfer?" he asked,I laughed,"No,I'm just better than you." I laughed,"I gave my golfing skills to my brother,please forgive me." he laughed,"Sure." I giggled,it took my 3 times.

"You're turn,Joseph." I smiled,"Just imagine..your ball is your dick and the hole is a pussy...you want that." I smiled,he bent down,laughing,"Good metaphor?.." he laughed,he hit the ball and he got a hole in one,"There you go. You gave it the D." I smiled and headed to the next hole,"You're ridiculous." he laughed.


We were now on the pier,eating our ice cream cones. "I won your ass in mini golf." I smiled,licking my mint chocolate chip ice cream,"Too bad I still have my ass." he smirked,"I gave it back,I didn't want it." I laughed,he laughed along too.

He finished his cone before me and got out his cigarettes,I sighed,"Don't smoke." I looked at him,"Why?" he smirked,he put  one cigarrette in his mouth,"Because those things are so bad for you and I want you to be alive!"

"Alive,why do you care,Lovato?" he smirked,crap. "Because..if you were dead...I couldn't bother you.." I looked at them,then I took the cigarette from his mouth and stuck it in my mouth,"Light me up." I said,he looked at me.

"I won't smoke anymore...as long as you're not a bitch to me." I looked at her,"Deal." I handed his cigarette back,he went and threw the whole box out and his lighter,I smiled a little,I moved my hair out of my face from the wind,I looked out in the ocean,"The only reason I am the way I am is--"

"Because money?" he looked at me,"No..because I'm hoping maybe..if I act like this to my parents....they would realize that...maybe they wouldn't want another child.." I looked at him,"But why do you act like that to everybody else?" Joe looked at me,"Because..I was bullied when I was little...then my parents got rich so I went to a private school...so by then..I learned how to stick up to myself..so then being a spoiled brat...became a habit..talking about it..it sounds stupid.." I threw away my napkins.

"It's not stupid...I mean,I kind of understand it..I mean..I was 8 when my youngest brother came along,I wasn't the happiest sport,I mean I had Nick as a brother,but I didn't want another brother...I was afraid if they had 3 children to care about..they would forget one of us...and that would be me,since I'm the oldest...I was bullied until I was 15,just because we lived in the ghettoest part of New Jersey.." he sighed.

"What happened after you were 15?.." I looked at him,"I don't want to talk about it...let's just say....it's the reason why I smoked.." he grinned a little,I bit my lip,"So are your parents still trying?..." he changed the subject,I nodded,"Yeah..." I sighed,"It's probably one reason why we went to this vacation...they would know I'll be out of the house so they could get alone time.." I sighed.

"That's kind of disgusting." he chuckled,"Ain't it!?" I laughed,"I think we should start heading home...It's getting late." I smiled,"Yeah,right." we headed off the pier,I got in his car,he started driving me home.

He pulled into my driveway,"Thanks for tonight...I actually had fun." I smiled,"I did too,Demi." he smiled,I hugged him for the first time.. He shockingly hugged back,I smiled a little,he felt so good and he smelt amazing.

"I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled,he laughed,"Of course." he smiled,"Goodnight,Demi." he smiled,I got out of his car,"Good night,Joe." I smiled,I headed inside my house.

A Different Summer. [Jemi]Where stories live. Discover now