Chapter 3: The Hospital

Start from the beginning

  My back hit the wall. Oh shit I was screwed. I focused all my strength in trying to get the zombie off of me but it kept lunging at my neck which made me have to position my arms a different way. I felt the arm of the zombie come up and swipe at my face. I felt a hot sting on the left side of my face. I yelled out in pain and finally shoved as hard as I could. The zombie fell backwards a little way and stumbled to the ground. I stayed against the wall and moved towards the door slowly, blood was running down my face.

  The zombie wasn't moving. Did I kill it? No that wasn't possible. I finally tried to run for the door. Something hit my leg and I tumbled to the ground. The zombie crawled over to me with surprising speed. Actually with amazing speed. It caught me off guard and once again I was stuck under the zombie. My hands were against it's neck and I was pushing it away from my neck with as much force as I could muster.

  I heard a gun go off and a bullet hit the zombie in the face. It fell onto me, lifeless. Blood sprayed all over me and I pushed the zombie off. I didn't try to get up though. I just laid there trying to catch my breath.

  "Astrix! Are you okay?" I heard Miranda ask. She grabbed my hand and lifted me to my feet.

  "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm not dead right?" I asked with a fake laugh. Then I sighed and leaned against the wall. Damn my face hurt.

  "What happened to you?" Morgan asked running up to me. I knew I had to be at least halfway covered in blood. Between me and the zombie.

  "Doesn't matter. Let's just get the rest of the stuff," I said turning out of the room.

  "Do you guys wonder how this whole thing started? I mean it just made me think. We are in a hospital and all. Do you think everything started here or somewhere else?" I heard Cory ask. I stopped suddenly. That's it.

  I turned back to where the dead body of the zombie was lying and squatted down besides it.

  "What are you doing? You don't know if that thing is alive or dead!" Victoria said.

  "I think I know how this all started!" I said. In fact, I was positive.

  "What? How?" Miranda asked also squatting down besides me.

  "See this?" I asked pointing towards the zombie's clothing. "It's the clothes that they give to the patients here. That means that the virus had to start in this hospital."

  "Why do you say that? For all you know a zombie could have come to this hospital and bitten that person which would have then caused the virus to spread through the hospital," Morgan said. She made a point.

  "I know because a week ago there was a guy that was brought in here for some kind of virus or something. He was slowly getting worse and worse every day. Unnaturally high temperature, muscle spasms, and he was given a few days to live. If I am correct," I said standing back up and walking to the bed where the clip board with the patient's name and picture was on a paper. "this is the guy," It was noticeable that the guy and the zombie were the same person.

  "If you're saying what I think you're saying," Kyle started.

  I cut him off, "The reason we have the issue we do right now is because   of the virus that infected this guy for whatever reason. Which brought high fevers, muscle spasms, and blood clots, which cuts off the flow of blood from your heart to your brain. Brings hallucinations and then you die. After you die the virus, that is still in the body, takes over your body and does this to you," I said pointing to the dead body.

  "Damn you are one smart girl," Kyle said shaking his head.

  "Most of the time," I said touching my hand to the wound on my face, which was still bleeding. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had two long scratches that went from the corner of my eye, to the corner of my mouth. I was lucky I hadn't lost an eye. I cleaned up the wound as best as I could. It was a clean scratch but there was a high chance of it getting infected. I found a fairly large bandage and put it on the scratches. I definitely would have needed stitches but that was highly unlikely to happen so I had to work with what I had.

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