|| Chapter 1 ||

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Life couldn't go any better at the moment: You had recently turned seventeen, and started living with your inseparable best friend Camilla not much ago either. The place you two rented together wasn't too big, but very cozy. A small house with a kitchen, a small living room, bathroom and bedroom.

After having passed the final exams at Rota's academy when you were fifteen, all graduates went their separate ways. There was no official colleges or universities that permitted you all to aim for higher goals, you would just to find a workplace individually and that was it. But those who aimed for the more prestigious professions such as yourself and Camilla, continued studying on your own:

Camilla's mother worked in the kingdom's library, so she naturally spent a lot of time reading books there. She always told you that she wouldn't miss the slightest detail of the requirements to become a royal.

You on the other hand focused more on physical training: You exercised swordplay, hand to hand combat and even Tauros-ride as well as joust. On weekends you would also help your mother out in the bakery she didn't own, and gained money with which you used to pay the rent of your new house.

Today was no different: It was a Friday. You would get up whenever, eat breakfast with Camilla - which you had already done - and get to training. There was a certain hill near the forest which was quite practical for swordplay exercises.

Your Lucario which had evolved from Riolu was accompanying you outside, since it would join you on your daily training to get stronger. You didn't really have an opponent in Pokémon battles, Camilla sometimes challenged you with her Lopunny. Lopunny was far from weak, but it ended up losing the majority of times due to having a disadvantage when it came to normal-type Pokémon being weak against fighting-types like Lucario.

Every morning before you would leave, you would check the mail box. You had sent an application almost a month ago, so you were expecting an answer from the royal guard. You had mustered up the courage to attempt applying for Rota's royal knights who served the Queen who was now Lady Rin. You couldn't believe the letter you were waiting for lied in that small box outside.

"Camilla! The letter! I got a letter from Queen Rin!" You called out once you had stormed back into the house you two shared, waving the envelope around. The caramel haired girl who was currently washing the rest of the dirty dishes stared at you in disbelief until she started cheering as well.

"For real?! What are you waiting for, let's open it!" The female grinned after tossing the towel she used to dry the plates away to the counter. You sat on your usual place at the dining table while Camilla slid next to you with her chair which was originally placed across you. Lucario and Lopunny gathered around the two of you as well by now, and stared at the envelope just as much as you did.

The envelope you were about to open contained the letter with the answer to your application. There was always a certain time of year when the Queen accepted three new knight recruits, and right about now was that period, and that increased the chance of your answer resulting in a positive way.

"Here it goes..." You mumbled and delicately opened the envelope, pulling the actual letter out and slowly unfolding it. The three around you observed carefully, and listened as you read aloud what was written there:

"Dear Ms. Y/N L/N,
I am writing concerning the election of the new knight recruits. I have received all of your documents along with the rest of the ones belonging to the other candidates. I would love to meet you personally and discuss a few things with you. Come to the royal castle at any time possible for you either this Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and do not forget to take this invitation along.
Yours faithfully, Queen Rin Momoko."

Rota's First Female Knight | Sir Aaron x Reader [Pokémon]Where stories live. Discover now