Chuck removed the tape touching my lips but then I spit it out on the floor. Ew. I should have spit it to his freaking face!

"Jones! Don't come!" I screamed bc I can't risk his life being beaten into pieces by Chuck and his gang. Beside, I already called the police a while ago. I don't fucking know why they are so slow.

I am smart guys! I happened to woke up in the middle of traveling then I texted my location to Kev. But I am panicking inside because I don't know what Chuck will do to me anytime soon if Kevin did not read my messages.

"Babe, don't fucking try to stop me. Chuck is fucking there with you! He'll do something—FUCK IT. WAIT FOR ME." He said angrily as he is trying to be calm talking to me.

Chuck grabbed my phone and he took a picture of us while he's like whispering to me. It looks like he's kissing me!!! I struggled as I stay away from him.

"Sent to Jones. I guess he'll lost his shit." He said chuckling like a demon as he sent it to Jones. Chuck left me to talk to his gangs. He sat in front of me staring at me.

15 minutes came but there is no Jughead around. He sat up in his chair to walk towards me. I started to tear up. Please, if Jughead will not come I just want Kevin to read my messages.

"I guess you'll be mine tonight," He whispered to me tearing the side of my skirt exposing my thigh as he touched it. I mumbled multiple screams against this freaking tape as I move and move to distract him.

This is terrifying. What the fuck will he do to me?

"FUCK YOU, CHUCK!" Jug said angrily storming to Chuck taken by surprise. Chuck didn't see him coming so his fist punched his face.

"You came afterall. Did the photo made you angry or the sight of me ready to—" Chuck said cockily wiping the blood in his mouth then he went to punch Jughead's eye.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Jughead angrily asked as he punch Chuck again. Wtf, I can't take this anymore.

"You saw it." Chuck said cockily.

"I'll kill you." He said to Chuck aiming for his mouth again but then Chick went for his stomach.

Then they had been fighting since then and I can't even do anything! I am struggling to get out of this freaking chair but I can't!

Where the hell is Sheriff Keller? And then a loud gunshot startled us all as plus the sound of the sirens.

Kevin. My gang. Thank Goodness.

Chuck and his gang ran away. And they left Jughead there looking shitty and bloody. I am sobbing rn and I don't even know what to do.

I rushed towards Jughead to see if he is okay but he suddenly stood to rush towards me and he said seriously, "Babe, a-are you fucking okay?" He said spitting a blood.

"Are you okay?" I said as wiping my tears away as I touched his bruised face again.

"I'm sorry, sorry," He said sadly to me as he used his jacket to tie it around my waist because of the torn skirt. He hugged me so tight like he never wants to let me go.

"I'm sorry, all I ever do to you is make you cry or troubled," He said again to me hugging me.

I stopped crying, "I'm okay." I said reassuring him that I am not that hurt.

"What would you want me to do to forgive me??" He asked looking at me sincerely like he really wants me to forgive him. But it's not even his fault, it's Chuck's.

"End our contract," I asked looking at him then he smirked at me looking amused and shocked , "Wow, you never failed to amaze me. Are you that confident that I'll say yes?"

"Yes," I said but then he faced me.

"Then let's end this relationship, babe. I don't want to make you in danger again." He said and I was shookt. Did he mean end this whole realtionship between us? Like forget each other??

"Whaaat?" I asked looking confused as I feel so rejected. He'll think about it???! Wow. I walked away from him not minding him at all.

"I meant let's end this fake relationship and start a real one. I promise to never make you cry that often. Would you be my girlfriend, Veronica Lodge?" He grabbed my hand and he faced me again asking me sincerely then I chuckled at his statement.

WhAT GiRlFriEnD?!!!!!

"I was going to ask you out for real though today for the ball but Chuck ruined it and fuck it—I lost my shit." He said chuckling while looking away at me while I asked looking confused, "Really? Or it was to make me feel better?"

HE LIKES ME? FOR REAL??????? I CAN'T. But I acted so calm to not show my bursting emotions inside of me.

"Babe, I risked my god-like face, isn't that enough?" He said as I laughed, "Wow, is your face that important?" He just chuckled.

"Then you have one now, Jones." I whispered to him and he smirked looking at me intensely.

FUCk, he's mine. Can you believe that?!

Out of nowhere he broke the romantic scene by asking and teasing me, "When did you start fantasizing about me???"

"When did you start lusting over me???" I asked back not wanting to answer his question bc I really don't know.

"You'll never resist my charisma and hotness though," He said cockily to me as he snaked his hand on my waist.

"Shut it, Jones! Let's break up right now." I said seriously and he just chuckled.

"That is a fact, babe."

the bad boy and i ; jughead x veronica ; jeronica ; vughead Where stories live. Discover now