Chapter Thirty-Two

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I stood in Mom's room to talk to her privately. Before, we could just talk about it wherever in the house, but now that he's here...

Especially when it was about him.

I fought back, "I'm not letting him anywhere near my school. I've worked too hard to not get picked on, and he's just gonna get into fights again."

"He is your brother. And you are going to have to look after him," she demanded, and I scoffed. There's no way she's gonna make me give the slightest bit of fuck about him. I guess it's a good thing that she's coming along for this first day.

She drove her car with him in it. But I know I can just take my bike. Might as well enjoy as much time away from him as possible. I pulled over in front of her house, as usual. And at the perfect time when she exited her house.

I greeted with a soft, gentle smile that I really had to pull myself together to draw out. It didn't last very long. After all, how am I supposed to pretend that I was happy when the one I love in front of me is hurt?

I tossed my bike aside and walked up in front of her. She shied away from me, shielding her shoulder from getting hurt anymore. Part of me took offense to that, as it wasn't me. I removed my hoodie and tied the sleeves around my waist, then pulled out my gloves. She could tell.

They were clean, free from scars. She looked at me with eyes that could only question. Stupefied, she didn't realize that she was allowing me to come closer to her. Words were unnecessary. I took her in an embrace. Wonder if she had read it.

"It wasn't me," were my first words. I clasped her, forgetting her pain, until she yelped. "The one you met was him."

Listening to my words, she turned her head to face my chest. As she breathed in, it seemed like she was doing it to catch my scent. One of my hands progressed to her lower back, and other to her head. I really wanted to keep us like this for as long as possible. But we had to break it up when her dad showed up.

I greeted him politely, only to get a silent glare back. Understandable, since this kid on their front porch took their girl away and allegedly wounded her. Wait. Shit, I hope she didn't tell them that.

Pointing to my bike, I invited her to ride with me, but was cut off by her dad. Apparently, he wanted to drive her to school himself. Not sure if it was because of something she did, or the more likely answer: me.

I gave out a soft, fake laugh, pretending that I was joking about taking her—even though I very much wasn't. But I had no authority over him. Especially not when it concerns his daughter. And I was focused on getting on his good side, if it means being able to take her hand in marriage in the future.

Pft. I'm not a coward. I'm just saving my ass. He doesn't scare me. He doesn't... Okay, maybe he does a little bit.

But whatever. She's probably safer with her parents anyway. Anyone will admit that riding a speeding bike triples your chances of getting hurt, knowing that you'll be the first to go down during a crash. If you discount pedestrians, that is.

I bade them goodbye and rode off. Thought of slowing my speed down so that she would catch up with me. A dumb and pointless thought, I know. I'd see her in school anyway. It's not the end of the world. Except...

Damn, what if he goes to my class? That creep better not dare to think of following me. Otherwise, he'd just piss the fuck out of Joanne, more than she already had been... And me.

Trying not to attract attention from anyone around the principal's office, I headed straight for class. Didn't even bother to wait for her. As I passed by, I heard Mom's voice. Great. That's how I knew they were still busy talking in there.

I awaited my Princess Violetta, stepping in without much sound. She looked at me suspiciously, confirming whether or not I was really 'Luka'. She should have been able to tell by my clothes, but I was eager to prove myself for real.

"It's me," I whispered, hoping she'd believe my words just like that. Then I kissed the back of her hand. I'm sure he didn't treat her as sweetly as this. She frowned, seemingly still suspicious. I sighed, and explained, "Mario's at the principal's office registering his place in the school."

It was only then that she loosened up, though still not smiling. We talked for a bit about how much he looked like me. Which was something I wish I wouldn't be reminded of every single day from now on. Changing the subject, though staying in theme, I asked her about how he hurt her. She was rightfully uncomfortable.

She placed her right hand on her wrist and spoke bashfully, "After what happened yesterday, I felt bad so I went to your place to see you. Then he let me in. And I thought he was you. And he... He..."

I told her that it was alright if she needed to take her time to explain. Maybe it'd be better if we didn't talk just as class was starting. So we agreed to let her continue during lunch.

The teacher announced the beginning of class. Today should be a good day. First period after homeroom was my favorite class, so I doubt anybody could ruin it that bad for me.

But the moment the teacher announced that there was going to be a new student in the class, I freaked out. Maybe there's a slight chance that it was someone else. I've never taken praying this seriously before.

And god-fucking-dammit, it's him. Am I in some kind of lame comedy show? Why was it this predictable?

While the rest of the class were busy being shocked at us having the same face, I looked around for empty seats. This can't be real. The only available seats were placed around the emo boy in class. To make things worse, he took the one beside Violetta.

"So excited to meet you. Violetta, right? I'm Mario," he introduced charismatically.

She turned to look at me, with an uncomfortable expression on her face. Who wouldn't be disturbed when they're sitting beside the person who probably tried to kill them? I growled softly. Others might think it's my stomach, but I wasn't hungry. He stared at me, in a way as if he was analyzing me. Then looked back at the board in front.

I sensed tension from the seat that was Joanne's. She turned to talk to Gregory—Greg for short. That dumbass. Definitely talking shit about the past, as usual.

Class went smoothly, for the most part. But it was hard to think about the literary work when there's so much on my mind.

Sensing how hungry Violetta was, I asked if she wanted to head to the cafeteria. This time, however, she brought her own lunch, so I suggested that we go someplace where we could be alone.

Before heading out, she gave me a hug. Coincidentally, it was when my stomach growled. Yes, it was actually that to blame this time. She asked if I wanted to get some food first, concerned about my well-being. I shook my head, not having the appetite to eat. Or leave her alone.

There were matters to tend to. Specifically, having her continue that story of hers. Because I had to know. Immediately, if I could.

"In your room, yo— he, looked sad. Then he sat on your bed and sliced himself with a penknife. He told me that if I loved him, I should cut myself. I didn't, of course. But then he..." Her voice quivered with a sense of uneasiness, then paused.

I motioned her to stop. "It's okay. You don't need to say anymore," and I pulled her into a hug. She needed it, and I was going to be the guy to give it to her.

We sat as the surroundings were filled with the muffled voices of the school. Whatever happens, I'll keep her safe, so long as she stays by my side.


Violetta finally admitted what happened between her and Mario. But why did he do it? Violetta seems unsure of it herself. But Luka's all set on protective her from him! ^v^

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