Chapter Sixteen

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For once, Dad got everything he needed for the day. Or at least, I thought he did. It was only then that I saw Mom running out of the house with Dad's briefcase in hand. I rolled my eyes. Should've known. As I got in the car, Luka passed by, stopping beside the car.

"Violetta, about yesterday..." I waited to see where he was going. His eyes looked over to Dad, and then back to me. I wonder if it would affect whatever he's going to say. "Here."

He handed me the cue cards for Chem class. "Thanks," I muttered. At least I get to read them beforehand, so that I won't sound like a complete idiot. Can't believe I actually got him to do all the work for me. Part of me felt guilty, but the other part's telling me to savor the moment and grades.

Neither Dad nor Mom said a word about it as we drove off. I mean, they couldn't possibly get mad for having us work on the project. Even though it's mainly him who did all the work.

I watched Luka riding away, until he managed to escape from our sights completely. Damn, he's fast, which Dad commented was dangerous to him. At least he's alone. To my pleasure, and disappointment.

In school, I decided to stick to what I said to him. Obviously, I didn't hate him. I couldn't have. But I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by completely ignoring him throughout the rest of the day. In a sense, it was easier than I thought. That is, until Chem class came.

We submitted the report to our Chemistry teacher, Ms Finch. Digitally, because apparently, the both of us had forgotten to print it out. Luckily, she's a patient and forgiving teacher.

When the time came for our actual presentations, we explained the project's purpose, hypothesis and conclusion. Basically following the basic structure of the presentation, as well as explaining why the dumb cabbage worked in measuring the acidity of the substances.

I was basically reading off the cue cards, which I hadn't even checked if the facts given were correct. I simply had to trust Luka in that aspect, that he didn't just make up long, chemical sounding words. Well considering that they look familiar, I assume it's the same words we wrote in the report.

"Purple cabbage has anthocyanin which allows it to act as a pH indicator..." I recited, not even bothering to change the phrasing. Meanwhile, Luka was explaining the main summaries and such. Goddamnit, he didn't give himself all the hard pronouncing words.

The class was giving us smirks, particularly at me. They clearly knew that I had no idea what I was talking about. I guess this is what I get for not researching this on my own. I glanced over to Luka, who seemed to be examining our classmates' reactions with a steady look.

At the end of our presentation, it was time for the Q&A session. For the most part, the class kept quiet, just wanting to get through it as quickly as possible.

"I have a question," Joanne raised her hand up. Ugh. I pretended to be nice and called upon her to ask. She began shooting me questions about the topic. I, on the other hand, couldn't really see how anybody would be able to question about a simple kiddy experiment.

She asked for me to clarify the content of the presentation, particularly in my part. While listening to the question, I fumbled with my cards, trying to find the section where it's mentioned. But then she began asking me questions about how this experiment could be applicable to other substances and I just wondered whether she's doing this to make fun of me.

"Violetta has managed to answer most of your questions. As for the other substances you mentioned, you can use the textbook to find their pH and infer from there," Luka explained. He didn't wait any longer to remove the flashdrive from the teacher's laptop and return to his seat. Thank you so very much, Luka.

I sat back down in my chair. Then twisted my back to talk to him while the other students were having their turn at the presentation. The least I could do was formally thank him for saving my ass from that annoying bitch.

Luka kept reading his textbook without looking up. He replied, "Were partners. I can't have you bring down my grades," and refused to speak again. I listened to the lesson, not wanting to disturb him anymore. But class was just too boring...

I woke up to find myself being the only person left in the room. With a box of mini éclairs in front of me on my table. The transparent box made it easy for me to see what's inside without any surprises. From the logo on the packaging, it's from the little dessert stall in the cafeteria that's constantly sold out before I can merely reach to stand in line every day.

Not thinking about how suspicious it was, I decided to eat the whole thing before lunch was over. Upon the first bite, the cream inside burst out, with the dough melting in my mouth as I chewed.

It was only when I finished eating them all that I saw the note pinned under the box. "Sorry that you hate me. But I still don't want you to starve." I recognized the handwriting and felt a slight warmth in my heart. I wanted to say that it's not true, but he wasn't here. And even if he was, so was the rest of the class.

While clearing the box in the bin outside the classroom, I heard a melodious voice coming from the corridor. "So, you've been taking an interest in Violetta recently," they said teasingly. I hid behind the lockers to listen in on it. It sounded as if Joanne and Luka were talking about me.

"She's nothing more than a project partner, if that's what you're saying," Luka replied. And he requested for her to leave him alone so that he could walk back to class.

"I see you're starting to become emotional again. How adorable. Just like old times," she mocked.

He dismissed her again. I began to wonder what they knew about each other. It's only times like this that I wish I'd paid more attention to my surroundings instead of living in my own world and phone.

I watched as Luka sauntered over. I squeaked, knocking onto the trash bin and almost toppling it. But I managed to catch it before it did.

"What are you doing here?" Luka questioned in a low, exhausted voice.

It hadn't even occurred to me that he might have spent all night trying to help me make those cue cards. All while writing in a legible way. It was little gestures like that that made me think he might not completely dislike me. But then again, I remembered his words—that it was all for grades.

I admitted, "I ate the éclairs you bought."

"Yeah? Well that's good." He reached his hand out to my head, about to pat it. I closed my eyes and leaned over, hoping that he would just rest his palm on me forever. But then he froze before it even landed. The moment I opened my eyes again, he was already walking back to the classroom like nothing happened.

That's right. We no longer needed to have anything to do with each other. It was a mutual agreement, and I'm the one to instigated it. There's no one else to blame but myself if we never contact each other again. Even the project we worked on is finished now, so there really isn't a reason for us to talk anymore. Heck, he can even date Joanne or some other bitch ass girl for all I care.

But even so, why does he still try to be so kind to me? I could be starving for all he cares. Goddamn... Luka, why do you have to be so complicated?


Does Luka still care about Violetta? Likewise? If so, why do they still continue to push each other away? And how long more can this last before one of them breaks down for good?

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