Chapter Thirty

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It was the four of us, alone, in that room. And I'm the only lunatic there. All eyes were on me for a moment, then they drifted away. And he feigned ignorance, as usual. Of course.

"Sir, why am I here? I was just sitting in the classroom alone today."

I frowned. He sounded so convincing, mainly because he knew that the classroom was where I always went during lunch. So it wasn't too far of a stretch for other people to believe so.

The principal turned to me, questioning how I was supposed to prove that I wasn't the one who shanked that kid. I couldn't believe how dense they were. I folded my arms and eyed the obvious piece of evidence there.

I answered, "Just watch the security tapes. The truth is right there."

"This is ridiculous!" Mario interjected, accusing me of trying to claim the innocent role by swapping our identities. I presumed he had caught on to what I was about to say.

The principal nodded at the boy, not wanting to waste unnecessary time. To him, it was a hassle to even put up with my idea. Well if that's the case, why even bother to fucking pretend that they're giving me a chance?

"Just watch the video carefully and in full. Then tell me who's the one who sat in front of this office."

He grumbled, that idiotic excuse of an adult. It's a wonder how he even qualified for his position.

We watched the tape closely, having to rewind particularly at the part when we crossed paths. But there's no denying that I was the scapegoat sitting like a moron outside the office while he was making a break for it.

"I-I don't understand..." the principal stuttered, clearly at a loss for words. I remained in my chair, unamused by everything.

I had been waiting for a moment like this for years. A moment, when I can finally get the justice I deserved. A moment, when I finally stood for myself, and stuck by my morals. Mom looked disapprovingly at the two of them.

Without a choice anymore, the principal called upon the police. And with that, my brother was arrested. But with a smile on his face, he told us that he would find a way out of there. It's as if he saw all of this like some sort of espionage, turned prison escape game. Disturbing.

Mom and I never heard of him after that day. Except for the fact that he was taken into an institution that would (apparently) help him get better. Whatever it was, I'm glad he's now away from me. And at last, the future hamsters were safe.

The rest of the class continued to see me as a freak, of course. After all, it was never publicly announced what happened in that room, the principal wanting to keep things under wraps and shit. Plus, no matter what, we're still related by blood, right?

Nobody knew how fucked up Mario's mind really was, and I continued to be seen as the other half of him. It's technically something I regretted, but is it really possible to regret something that isn't your fault to begin with?

That night, Mom drank a lot as usual. This time, more bottles. She was understandably in distress that she had been betrayed again by life. In her unstable state, I wondered how bad of a hangover she'd get the next day.

"Mother," I called cautiously, knowing that she might break into rage any minute. She sat slumped in her armchair while I crawled up from the side of it. And then I just had to say the dumbest shit ever, but it had been on my mind for so long. "Why isn't Daddy here? Why did he leave us?"

Without warning, she picked me up by my collar and lifted me up to her face. I could smell the distinct scent of alcohol-a smell that I'd use to differentiate her breath from any other person's. My neck felt like it was about to break with her shaking me back and forth as she screamed right at my face.

"Don't you dare mention that fucking bastard to me! I hate him, and I hate you! Why do you have to look so much like him?" Following that, a battalion of vulgar words were shot at me-words she'd rarely ever use otherwise.

When she was done shaking me around, I was tossed onto the ground. She felt around the floor to find another bottle. At that point of time, I knew what was coming for me.

Realizing that she had picked up an empty bottle, her fuse was lit even more. And I ran away, up the stairs, as fast as I could. I could hear her footsteps chasing after me, but it all stopped with a loud thud.

Too afraid to check up on her, I slammed my room door and locked it. It doesn't matter if it means not being able to have her wake me up for school in the morning. I usually do that myself anyway.

I can't afford to be a bother to her. I just can't. In my room, where it's mostly devoid of entertainment, I picked up a pen and paper that I had lying around. And I began to write my thoughts and feelings in a way that I had read a while ago.

Upon completion, I was tempted to show her what I had done. But temptation quickly faded away. It's not worth it. I left it in the drawer of my desk, which I had neatly organized. She'll scream if she finds this, so I had to keep it out of sight from her.

The room was full of silence. Even the road was empty after the night has fallen. I had no other choice but to lie in my bed and fall asleep. That is, if I could.

And for some reason, I couldn't keep my tears from rolling...

The doorknob shifted itself. My head spun around to see who entered the room. There she was-my love, with the same eyes he once used to fool everyone. The same eyes that used to gaze upon me wherever I went, only in a different color.

"L-Luka?" Her voice quivered in fear at the sight of me. She looked even more uneasy. Probably at her worst moment today. Or ever.

I dropped my books and stood up to hug her. That was something I had to do, to comfort her. I want her to feel my warmth. And likewise, as she's everything to me.

But she backed away, her hand not letting go of the knob. I knew she'd just keep going if I try to approach her. So I stopped. And she froze as well.

"Vio, what's going on? Your eyes... They're scaring me now..."

She took a few moments to breathe. I could hear her sweet voice with every breath. And not to lie, I saw her chest shift constantly as well. Her gaze shifted away from me and onto the floor. Even though it was of the slightest bit of movement, her grip on the knob was tighter than before.

I gave up. I moved over and grabbed her hand, barely in the nick of time to keep her from closing the door. She used all her strength to push me back, but to no avail. I wasn't going anywhere.

That is, until her fist clenched and uppercutted me. I stumbled back onto the bed, which she chased me away from. She yelled, "Get away, you freak!"

Seeing as she definitely wasn't in the mood to see me around, I rushed back towards the window. Would using the main door be a safer option for me? Well, upon consideration of the princess guarding the door, I wasn't sure if that was the case.

I pleaded for her to, at the very least, allow me to pack my books before I leave. She remained silent, which technically wasn't a 'no', so I kneeled on the floor and stuffed everything that was mine into my bag. Once ready, I stepped back onto the roof through the window.

Even though I knew she didn't want me sticking around any longer, I stayed a while, keeping myself hidden from her sight. Peeking into her room, I watched as she removed her sweater, leaving only her laced bra to cover her chest. Not that it mattered.

What the fuck happened to her shoulder? She was groaning in pain as I heard her sobs through on the other side of the wall. She dressed the wound by wrapping it untidily in bandages.

Seriously, what the fuck happened? Who would do this to her? My mind became hazy at the thought of somebody attacking her while I was away. Fucking hell! After I promised to never let anything or anyone hurt her...

"I shouldn't have left her! It's all my fault. I'm to blame..." such thoughts ran constantly through my mind. These thoughts, that just wouldn't go away.


Poor Luka... It would seem that throughout his life, everyone around him has been shitty to him, in one way or another >^<

And will we find out what happened to Violetta's arm? Do stay tuned!

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