Chapter One

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"Bitch, why won't you pick up?" I threw my phone at the wall. It bounced back onto my rug. No cracks, thank god.

I decided to go to the mall alone after my best friend suddenly decided to stop answering my calls and replying to my messages. Maybe it'll help me cheer up, get things off my mind.

We used to hang out a lot here. You know, back before she totally moved away and cut me off from her life. Maybe drowning myself in a smoothie could somehow cheer me up.

"Hey there cutie. Out here alone?" a boy dressed in a sports jersey came up to me. I ignored him, continuing to walk by. "What's the matter, a little shy?"

He stood in front of me, my face staring right at his chest. Way too close, dude. And he picked up a few strands of hair from my head. I swiped his hand away. It was the worst time to bother me now. He pestered me even more.

"Look, I'm really having a bad day now," I warned.

"C'mon. I thought redheads like you love having a lot of fun." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, trying to escort me to the direction of what seems to be the carpark.

He ran his hand down my waist. I know he might have misinterpreted my squeals in that dense brain of his. Even though I could just run away, my body froze and went along with his movements.

I threatened, "Seriously, dude. If you don't let me go, I'm seriously gonna call the police."

He scorned, saying that I was no fun. True enough, the moment I saw a security guard, I screamed. Lucky me! Now that that's over and done with, it's time for me to get back to buying a smoothie.

From so many choices, I just had to pick the new addition to the menu. It's a blend of exotic fruits not commonly found in the supermarkets around here. I took a tiny sip of the drink through the straw. The burst of flavor exploded in my mouth. Mm... Why they didn't add this in earlier is beyond me.

I looked around for a table. None that were empty. I knew I should've taken one before I ordered. Now I had to stay standing, which isn't the most pleasant of positions. I took a second, no, third glance around. Just in luck, I found one!

It was a two-seater table taken up by a boy with a pair of headphones with heart prints on it. I approached him slowly and carefully, even though he looked harmless enough. Upon closer inspection, his hair only looked darker. Is it even possible for it to be that black, if not dyed?

"Um... Excuse me. "Is this seat taken?" I politely asked.

No response. My hand was getting colder from the condensation. I repeated, louder, as perhaps he hadn't heard me the first time. Still nothing. This bastard better not be ignoring me on purpose!

Just presuming that he was enjoying life alone, I helped myself onto the chair. Apparently, that shocked him. His face was stunned and staring at me. He lowered his headphones, but spoke not a word. Maybe he's just more timid than me?

I tucked my hair behind my ear and took sips of my drink, sometimes stealing quick glances of him. His eyes, surrounded by thick eyeliner, were still fixated on me. Creepy. It was getting hard to ignore.

"What the fuck, man? Why do you keep staring at me like that?" I asked, scowling.

Still silent. Then he looked as if he had just snapped out of a trance. He chuckled. Was there something about me that's funny to him?

Finally, he spoke, "Sorry, you don't know who I am?"

I raised an eyebrow. He seemed so sure of himself. Must have mistaken me for some other girl, as if redheads weren't uncommon enough.

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