Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Luka, have you seen my caramel chips?" Mom yelled in a furious voice. Still mad at me for last night, duh.

Even when I told her that I didn't take it, she still refused to believe me like she normally did. I grabbed a box of biscuit sticks and bolted out of there before she could interrogate me any further.

I took the bike out of the garage and waited in front of her house. As her room light was still on, I could tell that she hadn't left yet. That, and I went out of the house early, as usual. And so, I kept waiting... Please come out, my princess.

And she did. Awkward in her movements and overly shy, unlike before. Why did I have to make her this uncomfortable? She hesitated to get on the bike and couldn't even be bothered to talk to me. At this rate, we're gonna be late for class, and I'm gonna die from a heartache.

I can't handle it. I can't handle having her hate me for what I did. So I told her, "Violetta, about last night, I..."

She muttered, "It's okay." And she got on.

It's not. Nothing's okay. I obviously knew that. How can we live together in a world where we can't even trust each other's words?

Not even jokes can lighten the mood between us now.

She kept her head lowered as she moved towards the classroom, ahead of me. Ironically, I think that's what's attracting more attention to us. The speed of her brisk walking was actually tedious to keep up with.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, urging her to, at the very least, listen to my apology probably. I spoke again, attempting to finish my own sentences before she could cut my words off. Also obviously hoping she'd believe my words.

The look on her face was one of worry; uneasiness. She turned away and asked me to let her go. But I couldn't. Not like this. I had to find a way to cheer her up somehow.

"Hey, I don't have work today. Why don't we go out somewhere later?" I suggested, haven't actually crafted a plan yet.

She shook her head, urging me to leave her alone for the day. I guess this is what couples call 'needing some space'. I released her wrist and watched her walk into the classroom in front of me. For the first time ever, I actually arrived later than her.

I gave it some thought throughout the day in class, even failing to process a couple of the teacher's questions. How unlike me. Meanwhile, Vio seemed more serious about the lesson than before. Not that it's a bad thing. It's just an unusual sight. She must be extremely tense.

It's hard making this decision. But if it's one that she wants, I don't mind giving her some time to think. Sure beats forcing her to constantly be around me when she doesn't want to.

After school, I headed to the mall. Alone, just like before. I wasn't lying when I said that I didn't have work, so I really didn't have much of a reason to be here. But maybe the free air conditioning could cool my mind down a little. At times like these, the milkshake shop seems like the best place to go.

I'd have at least taken her back home first, just to make sure she's safe. But she insisted on taking the bus. Whatever. Think positive. It sure beats hopping onto some random person's car and leaving me for good.

I drowned in some music and a couple chocolate milkshakes. Double chocolate to be exact, for that extra kick. Haha... Ha... Fuck my life, man, what is wrong with me? I'm turning into a wreck.

I can't help it. I just can't. I had to see her. I drove the bike, possibly speeding along the way, but I didn't care. The road wasn't as packed in the middle of the day.

Drowning In Color | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz