Chapter Three

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Remembering what happened yesterday, I decided to dress in a slightly baggier shirt, long sleeved, as it was getting a little chilly. It draped down to just above my knees. If I didn't wear bottoms, it could even be a dress.

When Dad saw my get-up, he was surprised; amazed, even. Alright, who am I kidding? He was totally shocked to see me dressing away from my usual princess attire. As much as Mom assured him that it was just a phase, he was furious. Not a word was spoken until we got into the car.

"I am so disappointed in you, young lady," he expressed sternly.

"Dad, you don't understand how I feel every day! Everywhere I go, people have been harassing me and calling me a sexy vampire or witch. It's been bothering me for so long."

He became vexed, more so than usual. To him, I was denying my heritage or whatever shit. But I still hated all the unnecessary attention I got, just because I looked out of place as compared to everyone else.

I stepped out of the car. Already, I was feeling more secure about myself, and my surroundings. I rarely got the heads turning and nobody bothered me as I walked to the hallways. But the same couldn't be said about the classroom.

The moment I entered, everyone's heads turned to me. Their faces showed a gaping mouth which didn't seem to be able to close. They gazed upon my hair, which darkened in what seemed to be overnight. I kept a straight face, despite how satisfied I was on the inside, and walked to my seat. The other students whispered among themselves as I passed. Most definitely about me. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea after all.

From behind where I sat, I heard his voice. Definitely directed to me. Who else? It sounded like a breath of whisper in my ear.

"Hey, you better stop making that sound at me," I turned around and warned.

He looked at me with his gentle gray eye. It was quite soothing, if only the rest of him was. He wiped his forehead with his palm, almost swiping away his fringe and uncovering what's underneath.

He let out a playful laugh and gestured dramatically. "Can't a man swoon over the beauty he sees?" He coughed again, as though he said that by mistake.

He sure was being one of the most lively emo guys out there, if that's even something I could call him. But I couldn't tell if that was meant to be a joke or not. Whatever. I shook my head and ignored him, as I should, like everybody else.

Science class. Chemistry, to be exact. And for some reason, we were assigned stupid projects in pairs. I watched as I let the other students pick their partners.

Certainly, I thought, I had to do the project alone. When the teacher called for those who were left unpaired, I was ready to raise my hand. Midway, it was caught by him. I spun around, my hair flipping onto his face. Using his free hand, he wiped the strands of hair that had fallen into his mouth. Ew, gross.

"Guess it's just you and me now," he spoke in a suave manner. He was up on his feet. His body leaned over to me, dangling his face beside my ear.

I was afraid of what would happen if I tilt my head even so slightly. The warmth of his breath ran down my neck. It was a tingly feeling of excitement on my part as my heartbeat raced and wouldn't slow down. I grabbed onto the cloth surrounding my chest to give me a sense of security. He sat back down, leaning back against his chair with his head tilted. With both eyes visible, he winked at me as our eyes locked.

The rest of class was dedicated to learning about acids and bases. You mix them together and mutual feelings appear. Wait, is that how it goes?

He wrote a note and passed it to me. "So, my house or yours?" was scribbled on it. I know this had to do with the project, but why did it sound so much like an innuendo? Maybe it wasn't. Whatever. The answer's clear.

Dad had always been strict about me hanging with boys (even though I never did). And he would kill the both of us if I brought him home. I turned around, but he was ignoring me for music. What the heck? Dude, you can't just ask someone a question and ignore them when they're trying to answer.

After class, I was about to head back home. I needed the rest, still unable to get over the fact that my best friend's gone. I was stopped my him, asking me to get on his bike as he drove right in front of me. As tempting an offer as that was, I refused. I know he lived just a little more down the street, but I didn't want to get onto some random stranger's bike, even if he was my classmate. I made sure to make it clear to him.

He looked at me in disbelief, reminiscing about the moment I willingly went along with him after he saved me. Shit, I realized that he saved me! Was he going to use that against me somehow? To kidnap me and bring me to some desolate area with no one to hear my screams?

He handed me the spare helmet he had nonetheless. Unwittingly, I grabbed it, only finding out that I wanted to regret it a few moments later.

"That's that then. Get on and let's go," he decided.

As if in a trance, my mind followed along with his plan, and my body subconsciously moved itself onto the space behind him. There goes that sweet scent from him again. I couldn't help but press my face and chest against his back, sniffing his body until the scent faded from my senses.

We rode while I was still falling asleep behind him. At each bump in the road, I squealed and only held him tighter and tighter. His body heat was mesmerizing; soothing. My hands traveled to his abdomen as I held him in a tight embrace to comfort myself from the dangerous journey.

The bike slowed down as he found an empty spot to park. He shifted his body in an attempt to snap me out. Thing is, he would've been better off actually snapping his fingers (if he could), instead of calling my name in that sweet tone of voice.

"We're here," he said, shaking my arm to grab my attention. Shit, where did he take me? It was a huge building in the middle of nowhere. This was definitely not my house.

"Dude, where the fuck did you take me?" I released his body and got off the bike to survey the area.

"Whoa, calm down there," he followed after me and grabbed my hand. "We're just here to get the materials for the project."

He asked if I had ever been to the supermarket. I stared blankly at his face, then shook my head. He hid his smile and laughter again. Are emotions really that big of a deal to show?

"Better make sure you don't lose me in there," I teased.

He bent forward, his hand placed on my cheek. Then, he whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, Violetta. I'm here."

I squeezed back onto his hand to release the feelings building up within me. The way he said my name melted my heart. Heck, every word he said just made my mind blank. How could I have let myself fall prey to such a sweet guy in dark clothing? I released his hand when I regained my sanity. Let's just hope it stays that way.


I guess some of us just really enjoy staying at home... Too much to the point that we actually have no idea of what it's like outside

Also, yeah... In this universe there is a stereotype whereby red hair = vampire. I know it sounds ridiculous, but this comes from my other story, Myself For You *ahem* do read it too *ahem* OvO

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