Chapter Ten

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We drove to what seemed to be a park. Except, nobody other than us seemed to have visited it. The fallen leaves seemed to have scattered around us, indicating that they hadn't been swept into a pile yet. He parked the bike in an open space and we alighted. Hopefully no authorities were around to catch us here. That is, if it even is illegal to be here.

On a grassless trail, we sat down. It didn't look as sanitary, which wasn't an issue in games and movies. But we went along with it anyway. I checked the ground for any clear signs of bugs, before slowly lowering my body, crushing the leaves with a crackle.

"What is this place?" I asked, being the one out of us who didn't know where the hell we were.

He tried explaining with as best words as he could find. "Somewhere outside of the town," he said. Well duh, it didn't seem like there's any civilization around here. "It's just a nice place to sit around, write to myself."

When I heard it, I thought, "Oh, so you really are going to drop me off in the middle of nowhere." I didn't actually say it, of course. Instead, I admired the scenery for being a beautiful place to take someone out for a date. He nodded. Then mentioned about how he always wanted to take a special girl out here. Lucky me?

The sky above was only starting to turn into a pinkish glow. Tired from driving, Luka removed the headphones from his neck. I assumed it was to listen to some music, but I was wrong. Instead, he spread his arms out and tilted himself backwards that both his eyes were uncovered. Far enough, until he fell onto a small collection of leaves, cushioning the fall. He invited me down, but I was contented with just sitting.

At least it made much more sense to be quiet around here. We were in some sort of forest beside a road, although we had ventured a little deeper into it so that all we could hear was the animals in nature.

"Oh, that's right! Luka, your poem." He looked at me in confusion and asked what about it. I took it out and lifted it high up. "That's what your poem is about, right? You were sitting here and looking at the sky."

Just when I thought I'd figured it out, he chuckled and bit his finger. I must have been so stupid. I only realized then that his poem was about a beach scene instead of a forest. He took the paper from my hands and scanned through it again.

"You're not entirely wrong. I wrote it when looking at the sky." He lifted his upper body from the ground to get to the same level as me. I watched his movements carefully, now having nothing better else to look at. He took his finger and tucked a portion of my hair behind my ear, stroking it in the process. "But instead of thinking of it so literally, try thinking of it to describe... You."

Me? I took the poem back and checked it again. Shit. Suddenly, a part of me felt like crying now. It's no wonder he didn't want me to see it at first. To stop me from feeling guilty.

The poem had to have been written recently. It described the changes about me that he picked up on and thought about me. All of a sudden, it felt like an honor that he even dedicated something to me. If only I could do the same for him...

That's it!

"Teach me how to write poems!" I demanded. I mean, requested... Very aggressively.

His panda eyes widened. "You serious?" he questioned. He took out his phone. Not the most popular brand or model, but good enough to do the job. He scrolled through his apps to find the one and pointed to it in my face.

Haha. Very funny, Luka. It's just the regular browser app. He gave that little satisfied smirk of his and I punched lightly on his arm. "So you're telling me to find the answer on the internet?"

"I'm telling you to find your own style. I don't see a point in trying to teach you to write like me. Just learn it at your own pace," he clarified.

Following his words, I took my phone and searched up "poem writing tips" on the internet. Fuck. It's only then that I remembered we were outside the city. And I don't even mean the suburbs. That means no signal for either of us.

"Ah... Guess the fates of the Universe refuse to let you know." Luka hummed at the peacefulness of the surroundings. To me, he was just doing that to tease me. I clenched my fist to punch him again. This time, he caught it with a firm grip. "Not this time," he mocked and made a wink. Smooth.

We sat—and lay—idly around. Eventually, I gave in to the serenity and fell backwards. The place where I landed? Right into his arms. I didn't even care about how improper it was anymore. His touch and warmth was enough to convince me not to move away.

My body turned to face the direction of his hand, which I grabbed and pulled the glove off. Good. No marks here either, which was a relief. My thumbs got addicted to pressing on his palm, as though it were bubble wrap. That is, bubble wrap that never pops. But that just means the fun will never stop.

Even with my body pinning his arm down, I could still feel a shift in movement behind me. Before I know it, I felt his other arm across my waist, just below my little less than average boobs. Meanwhile, his legs were curled to become parallel to mine. As much as I wanted to spin around, I was enjoying this moment with him to the fullest.

He whispered into my ear, "Only on the first date, and we're already going this far, huh?" I kept silence. My heart raced at the thought of what he might say next. "Well? Wanna go further?"

My mind was spinning in a hurricane. What did he mean by that? He bent his arm and grabbed my upper sleeve, then pulling it down. If only I were wearing a tank top underneath instead of a t-shirt, maybe I'd be sexier for him.

Using his other hand, he sneaked his way underneath my shirt. My god, his touch stopped my heart for a few seconds. He made his way from my stomach to my waist, then almost... Almost... I got squeamish as my body tensed up.

I heard his gulp, that was followed by his warm, quickening breaths. His hand twitched a little but stopped before it reached it's position. It barely brushed from below them as I inhaled some air.

"Think that's enough now. We should stop here," he suggested. We remained frozen in position. Noticing how stuck I was, he glided his fingers around my belly. Wait. Ah, shit.

He's tickling me! I rolled around frantically. But I was caught within the trap of his other arm, making me only able to spin in one spot. "Luka, stop!" I was in a mixture of laughing, crying and moaning. And just when I thought he was done, he finished it with a nibble on my ear.

Luka lay on his back again and released me from his clutches. "Vio, you can get up now." Refusing to budge, I curled my body up even more and made sure his arm had no escape with my grip. "You know I could tickle you again, right? You sure you're not letting me go?"

I shook my head. I couldn't tell if he saw or not, but he should've been able to feel the movement on his arm. Once he told me how much he actually liked me keeping him in my grasps, I sat, letting him follow.

Stuck to his hair was a single brown leaf that wouldn't fall off. Ha! have the tides turned! Finally, I could giggle without him knowing why. As I stood, I got rid of the leaf and he thanked me for it, as he should. We trudged back to his bike to return home before the sky gets really dark.

It was then that I realized, damn, I'm starving. We hadn't really eaten anything much, unless you could count coffee, which is more of a beverage than anything. As much as I wanted to hide my hunger, my stomach disagreed.

We stopped by a convenience store on the way back. I looked at the selection of foods and picked out a simple sandwich. Ham and cheese, just how I like it. And it wasn't greasy either so he wouldn't think I'm a slob. Shit. When did I start to care about how he thought of me? I slung my arm over his shoulder and ate the snack on the way home with my other hand.


Ah... What a lovely date in the middle of a forest...

Also, damn, Luka. What a flirt you are >vO

Personally, I'd love to spend the day like they did. Except, where I live, the weather's always crazy hot, and there's quite a noticeable lack of nature. Plus, I'm afraid of bugs getting to me >^<

Drowning In Color | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz