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angeline's p.o.v.

i woke up with a killer headache pounding in my head and mitchel's arm draped over my chest. he lay next to me, completely asleep with his hair messily thrown across the pillow. i held my one wrist up, praying that last night was just a really bad dream, and felt a pang of disappointment when i saw the purple ring around my wrist. it seemed to have gotten more prominent since last night; now showing darker purples and browns. i felt mitchel shift his arm, moving it from my chest to my stomach. i took this as a sign he was going to be wake up soon. slowly, but surely, his eyes opened up as he yawned.

"good morning sleeping beauty," i said quietly, smiling at him.

"good morning baby," he said. i don't think i'll ever get over how his voice sounded in the morning. it was like a dream.

"you're so handsome," i said, lightly tracing a finger across his chest.

"i think the correct terminology is 'hot as fuck'" he said, smirking at me.

"let's not get too cocky, pretty boy" i stated.

"pretty girl," he replied, tapping my nose. i felt myself blush as he smiled at me. i absolutely adored mornings like these; waking up next to mitchel and simply spending our first few minutes awake in the sheer bliss of each other's company.

"any plans for today?" he asked me, sitting up a bit.

"i think i'm going to e-mail a few exhibitions about possible openings" i told him. i had been thinking about doing this for a while now and landing a spot in a well known exhibit would definitely help me gain some leverage especially if i wanted to pursue art as a career.

"that's awesome, love" he said excitedly.

"i'm excited and nervous," i laughed, looking over at him. he gave me a reassuring smile, but i saw the smile falter when he looked down, noticing my wrists.

"please, don't mention it," i said, begging him not to talk about last night. he simply nodded and got out of bed. i got out as well, stretching my arms out above my head.

"i'm going to get a shower," i said as i went over to the closet and began sorting through my clothes.

"can i join?" mitchel asked, coming behind me and placing his hands on my hips. i grabbed a cropped shirt and some ripped jeans before turning around to face him.

"you're such a naughty boy, mitchel. and naughty boys don't get to shower with me," i winked and placed a kiss on his lips before walking off to the bathroom.



i stepped out of the bathroom, the steam from the hot water following behind me. i headed back to the bedroom and found mitchel laying on the bed, scrolling through his phone.

"i'm back," i said, sitting down next to him.

"only took you forever," he whined, setting his phone down.

"did someone miss me?" i teased him, moving over to him so i was straddling his lap.

"missed that ass of yours" he said, placing his hands on my ass. i was feeling overly confident.

"don't touch the fine art," i said, leaning down close to his ear. i then scooted off of his lap and grabbed my laptop off the bedside table. he groaned in frustration as i simply giggled at him.

"and you said i was cocky?" he laughed.

"well, you do have one," i said, shrugging.

"touché" he replied.

i began searching for different exhibits to apply to. i had already uploaded photos of my various pieces to my computer, so once i had found the exhibits it would be simple to enter. mitchel leaned over towards me and watched me as i scrolled through different options. i signed up for several different ones that seemed fitting; mitchel occasionally pointing a few out that seemed interesting. i closed my computer, silently praying for the best.

"now that that's finished, what do you want to do?" i asked, turning towards him.

"you." he looked up nonchalantly.

"i'm being serious, mitchel." i laughed.

"who says i'm not?" he asks, a smile playing at his lips.

"i'm not fucking you, mitchel." i said, my face in my hands.

"just you wait..." he told me. i was used to mitchel's constant sexual jokes and banter, but today he was really in quite a mood.

"for real though, what were you planning on doing?" i asked him, a bit more persistent this time.

"not really sure, maybe finish up the ep or something," he said, shrugging a little. mitchel had been telling me for the last few days that he and the boys were going to be releasing their ep soon; he had told me it was "part 3". i was really excited for them. they seemed to be growing everyday.

"i'm so excited to hear it," i told him. he had told me before that it was 'top secret' and that i was forbidden from listening to it until it was officially released. i didn't mind; it gave me something to look forward to.

"i'm so excited for you to hear it," he replied,
smiling widely at me. suddenly, clinton opened our door and peaked his head in.

"thank god you guys aren't fucking... mitchel, management called. they need to meet with us today," he said quickly. i looked over at mitchel confused as he got off the bed. clinton shut the door and left, leaving me and mitchel alone again.

"i guess you have plans now," i laughed.

"yeah, i guess so," he laughed slightly.

"see you tonight?" i asked. usually when they had meetings with their management, it lasted most of the day. i didn't anticipate him being back for a while. it would give me some time to have some alone time and focus on myself.

"see you tonight," he stated sweetly before grabbing his jean jacket. he walked over to me and placed a kiss on my lips before leaving the bedroom.

and then i was left alone with the whole day ahead of me.

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