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mitchel's p.o.v.

i didn't get much sleep that night. i just stared at the ceiling, replaying my words over and over in my head. i was extremely angry, but i also felt really guilty for snapping at her. i knew she probably wouldn't remember a single thing that happened last night, but i still felt a pang in my chest when i thought about how much of a dick i was to her. i let my temper get the best of me; i needed to work on that, especially if i wanted her to stick around with me.

i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard footsteps coming towards me from her bedroom. quiet humming filled my ears as i looked up in the direction of the noise. i immediately saw her and she stopped dead in her tracks. she was holding the empty bottle of vodka in one hand and her eyes were wide.

"how did you get in here?" she asked cautiously, attempting to hide the bottle behind her quickly. i was right; she really didn't remember a single thing from last night.

"so, i'm guessing you don't remember last night?" i said, smirking at her slightly. "i already know about the drinking. you don't need to hide the bottle," i pointed out. i couldn't help but think it was cute how she held the bottle behind her back, even though i had already clearly seen it.

"last night... vaguely..." she said quietly as she revealed the bottle again. she took a few slow steps out of the hall before standing at the other side of the room like an awkward puppy.

"come over here. we need to talk." i said as i patted the seat next to me. she walked over to her recycling bin and placed the bottle down inside it. i saw her flinch as it made a clanging noise with the other bottles in the bin. she slowly walked over to me with her head in the direction of the floor.

"look at me, babe" i said calmly. i had to maintain a calm voice despite how many emotions were flying through my head. she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. such a beautiful mess. i needed her.

"why? why the xanax? why the alcohol?" i asked. i was practically begging her to explain at this point; i needed to know why. instead of answering me she simply shrugged again and shifted her focus to her hands, which her sitting in her lap. i gently took my finger and used it to push her chin up so i could look at her face.

"please angeline, talk to me." i said quietly. she looked at me with sad eyes.

"i don't really know what you want to hear mitchel..." she said quietly. i could tell it was hard for her to maintain eye contact with me.

"i want to help you, baby" i replied.

"that was my first time taking those pills, i swear. the alcohol is another story but i swear to you, i only took one pill." she said quickly.

"why though?" i asked quietly as i gently rubbed her cheek.

"i don't really know, ive just always turned to alcohol when i feel alone," she said, shrugging.

"you don't have to be alone, i'm here." i replied. she smiled a little bit and leaned forward, embracing me in a hug. i wrapped my arms around her and placed my chin on her shoulder.

"i wish we could stay like this forever," she mumbled into my chest.

"me too, angeline." i replied. "i know you don't remember what i said last night but i'm sorry. i shouldn't have been so harsh towards you. i just can't stand to see you like this," i added. she shook her head.

"i should be the one who is apologizing. you are just looking out for me and i am so grateful for you. i'm really sorry you had to see me like... that," she immediately replied.

"it's ok, we are going to work through it. together," i grabbed her hand, lacing our fingers together.

"mitchel, you could have so many girls, why me? i'm practically an alcoholic," she laughed slightly at the end but i could tell she was using her laughter to suffice for how insecure she felt.

"i don't want those other girls. i want you. i want the angeline that yelled at me because of my music. i want the angeline that thought i was going to murder her in a warehouse. i want the angeline that sticks around with me, despite my problems. i don't need another woman. i need you."

she smiled wide at my little speech and i saw her face go red a little. adorable. before i could stop myself, i placed my lips on hers, gently kissing her. she smiled as we kissed. even more adorable. i pulled away and grabbed her hands.

"angeline, will you be mine?"

she gasped slightly before saying, "of course mitchel". i leaned in for a much more passionate kiss this time.


apartment 23 // mitchel caveWhere stories live. Discover now