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angeline's p.o.v.

i was currently sitting in mitchel's car as he drove down the highway. streetlights passed us by, causing brief moments of lights to light up mitchel's face. he had one hand on my thigh as he steered with the other. he was going well over the speed limit. i felt alive.

we drove for about 20 minutes, in mostly silence. occasionally mitchel would hum or song along to the radio. he would mess up lyrics and i would laugh lightly at him. even in the midst of messing up, he still had me hooked.

we eventually pulled up to a small brick building in a part downtown la i wasn't completely familiar with. we both stepped out of the car and mitchel rushed over to my side. he grabbed my hand and began walking with me to the side of the building. i tried keeping up with his pace; his legs were too damn long and it was hard to speed walk in heels. he walked down the side of the building to wear a man was sitting, swinging a lanyard around his finger. mitchel approached him an mumbled something. the man immediately stood up and unlocked the door next to him, allowing mitchel to usher me inside the building. the door immediately shut behind us loudly, making me jump a little. i heard mitchel giggle next to me. the room was pitch black.

"mitchel, what is this?" i said, squinting around trying to make out something in the darkness.

"just wait," he said as be began walking to the corner. i heard his footsteps get further away from me until i heard a click. the room was instantly illuminated by thousands of tiny lights from the ceiling. there were dozens upon dozens of paintings hung up on the wall and sculptures displayed by them.

"oh my god," i gasped. mitchel jogged over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"i know how much you like painting, so i managed to get early access into this exhibit. the lights were an addition though," he said as he embraced me.

"this is amazing, thank you so much." i was in complete shock. everything was so beautiful.

"you're amazing," he sayed as he grabbed my hand and began leading to the the first painting hung up on the wall. it was a painting of the field. tiny lavender flowers comprised of delicate little brush strokes littered the grass. we paused by each painting, taking in every stroke and color placed in each one. i occasionally stole glances at mitchel as he stared at the pieces in awe. i leaned in close to him and he placed his arm across my shoulders. we reached the other end of the building where a giant piece of cloth was draped across the side of one wall. it was obviously hiding something.

"what's that?" i asked, looking up at mitchel.

"patience, my love," he said as removed his arm from my shoulders. he walked over the the cloth and grabbed the side.

"are you ready?" he asked. i nodded feverishly. he slowly removed the cloth to reveal a large painting of... me. it was absolutely beautiful.

"mitchel... i have no words," i breathed. he walked back over to me and admired the painting.

"i'm no painter so i got someone to do this for you. i hope you like it," he said.

"i love it," i replied. i reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. i felt a smile break out on his face. this was perhaps the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me.

we both spent a few more moments admiring the pieces before we decided to leave and head back to my apartment. i had been sitting in the car silently, listening to the music mitchel had turned on, before i spoke up.

"you really didn't have to do that for me, mitchel," i said, looking over at him. he kept his eyes on the road.

"i wanted to," he replied, placing his hand on my thigh and giving it a light squeeze. his touch was like a drug. i was so addicted.

"you've got me going crazy, angeline," he suddenly said. i wasn't sure how to take that.

"why's that?" i asked.

"i'm not really sure. i just can't get enough of you." he said looking over at me. he looked so cool driving along the highway, the wind racing through his dark hair.

"pay attention to the road, mitchel," i laughed.

"i'd rather pay attention to you," he replied.

"seriously mitchel, you're gonna get into an accident," i said, trying to be serious but completely failing. he increased the acceleration in order to tease me. i sighed and looked out my window. he just laughed at me.

"calm down, love. we're okay," he continued to laugh.

"you're an ass," i scoffed at him.

"you are what you eat" he shrugged. i looked at him disgusted and he turned his head to look at me again.

"what? i'm kidding," he laughed, "you'd let me do it though."

"oh my god can you shut up?" i said frustrated.

"okay okay, i'll stop," he laughed. this boy was something else, i swear.

"who's place are we going to?" i asked. i was hoping he wouldn't say my place. i didn't feel comfortable there after my "wild" night.

"mine. i bought some... brownies... that we can have. if you want some, of course," he replied.

"are you sure they are just brownies?" i asked, not believing a single thing he said. they definitely had to have something in them. mitchel did not just eat normal brownies.

"you got me. pot brownies are good though. you gotta admit it." he giggled. so predictable.

"knew it, bitch." i stayed smartly.

"that's not what you were calling me earlier today. if i remember correctly, it was 'sir'". he smirked, continuing to drive.

"'sir,'" i said, trying to tease him.

"you remember what i said in the hallway? i will stop this car right now and take you up on that." he said.

"no, keep on driving. i desperately need those pot brownies after dealing with you," i whined. he smirked and revved the engine.

tonight was going to be interesting.

apartment 23 // mitchel caveWhere stories live. Discover now