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i woke up the next morning around 9:00 feeling quite satisfied with myself. i smiled to myself when i realized that i didn't have any classes today. i sat up on my bed, stretched, and decided to change into something more comfortable. i forgot to change last night. i walked over to my dresser and decided to just wear an oversized black t shirt. i removed yesterday's clothes from my body and walked to my bathroom for a quick shower.

after my shower, i wrapped the towel around my body and brushed my teeth. i looked at myself in the mirror. the mess of black hair that sat on my head looked practically like a dead rat. i had dark purple marks under my eyes and i had visibly lost weight since i had moved into this apartment. i finished up with brushing my teeth and walked back to my bedroom. i put on a fresh pair of underwear and a matching bra and then proceeded to i slip on the t shirt. i grabbed a pair of knee high socks and slipped them on. i looked at myself in the mirror one final time before walking downstairs to my kitchen.

i decided on making some tea and a bagel. i popped the bagel into the toaster and began to boil some water for my tea. just as i was grabbing a tea bag, i heard someone knock on my door.

"who's there?"

no one answered. they probably didn't hear me. i huffed and jogged over to the door, unlocking it. i opening it up to reveal apartment 23 boy.

"oh, um, hi?"

he looked me up and down, smirking. dammit, why did i wear this, i thought to myself. i consciously hid behind the door a little.

"do you need something?" i questioned.

"oh yeah, um, so i was really drunk last night and kinda woke up on a park bench outside. i'm locked out of my apartment." he rubbed his face and sighed, looking at me disappointed. i wasn't sure what to do. do i let this stranger in? i don't even know him, what if this is a trick? i looked at him again and before i could even think properly i opened the door wider and let him in.

"thanks." he smiled at me and sat down on my sofa.

"make yourself at home, i guess. i'm going to go put some proper pants on. i'll be down in a sec." he hummed in response as i jogged up the steps to my room. i slipped on some shorts and promptly descended back down the steps. he had moved from his spot on the sofa to the kitchen. he was taking my pot of water off the stove.

"it was boiling, i got it for you."

"oh, thanks. do you want some?" i asked him quietly. i hadn't expected him to be this "domestic". after last night, i wasn't sure how i felt about him, especially since it was my first time even speaking to him. shit, i still didn't even know his name.

"nah, i'm more of a hard liquor type of guy," he smiled and laughed a tiny bit.

"so i saw last night" i laughed with him while grabbing my mug and making my tea.

"so, love, what's your name?"

i got a weird feeling in my stomach when he called me "love". "angeline, you?"

"mitchel, but all the bitches call me mitty," he looked quite smug after that one. this boy really was something else.

"i'll stick with mitchel." i replied, rolling my eyes. if he thought he could wrap me around his finger that easily, he had a big storm coming. sure, he was attractive, but i'm not like that.

"have it your way, babe" he responded coolly. i slipped my tea and he left the table to go sit back on the sofa. i followed him over and sat at the other end. i curled my legs under my body and peered over at him; he was looking at his phone.

"so, mitchel, what do you do? do you go to college?" i was trying to start a conversation; this awkward silence was killing me. he perked up and quickly shut off his phone.

"i'm in a band called Chase Atlantic. you should check us out, i'm the singer." he seemed genuinely excited to tell me this. "what about you?" he asked.

"i'm a student. i'm currently studying psych but i'm not really into it to be completely honest. i'm much more into art." i sighed. his phone began to ring and he pouted at me before answering it. i sipped my tea and watched him as he talked on the phone.

"yeah i got locked out last night... i woke up on a park bench dude, what the fuck do you think?... ok, i'll head over now. see you soon." he hung up the phone and stood up. i stood up with him.

"i gotta go, thanks for letting me in your apartment. you should let me in more often." he said as he winked at me. i walked over the the door and unlocked it, holding it open for him.

"try not to pass out on any more park benches, ok?"

he laughed, "i'll try." he walked over to the door. i felt his hand graze across my arm and just like that, he had left my apartment. i shut the door behind him and leaned my back against the door. i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding.

apartment 23 // mitchel caveWhere stories live. Discover now