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i followed him down the hall i've walked down so many times, except this time i was going into his apartment and not my own. i really didn't know what to expect. i knew we had both had a little too much to drink and i barely knew mitchel, but i couldn't help but follow him. my feet were killing me; i couldn't wait to just sit down to be honest.

we arrived at apartment 23 and mitchel promptly unlocked his door and held it open for me.

"such a gentleman," i giggled. fuck, i really was drunk.

he laughed lightly at my comment and followed me to the couch. his apartment was a lot neater than i had imagined. it was laid out almost exactly like mine with a kitchen in one corner, the "living" area, and a small hallway that led back to another room. there was a desk in the corner of the living room with a few guitars and a microphone. i sat down on the couch and immediately began taking my shoes off.

"already getting undressed for me?" he smirked at me. i immediately went bright red,

"oh shut up."

"i'm just messing with you angeline," he laughed. i couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. i leaned back on the sofa and he scooted closer to me. he grabbed the remote on the sofa and turned on the tv. i was feeling even more exhausted by the minute. it was 9:07.

"do you want to watch a movie?" he asked me. i just nodded in response. "nodding isn't going to help me," he poked my arm while laughing, "what movie?"

"i don't know, you pick," i realized i was being difficult but i was too tired and, quite frankly, too drunk to care.

"how about horror?" i just hummed my approval and he began searching for a film. he decided on scream, even though i'm sure we've both seen that movie about 100 times. i didn't mind though.

halfway through the movie, i felt mitchel's arm wrap around my shoulder. i enjoyed the comfort and warmth. letting the drowsiness control my body, i rested my head on his shoulder and curled up next to him. i felt him lean into me tighter and rest his head on my head.

"are you tired?" he asked.


"you can sleep here if you want."

"mitchel, my apartment is right across from yours," i laughed, looking up at him. i had never noticed how blue his eyes were. he pouted at me and huffed.

"fine, i'll stay." i couldn't say no to him. especially with that face.

"yayyyy," he stood up and clapped. he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sofa, leading me down the hallway to his room. he walked in and jumped onto his bed and then patted the spot next to him.

"can i at least get changed? maybe wash my face?" i looked at him with my hands on my hips.

"ok sassy," he stood up and walked to his closet. he grabbed a sweatshirt that looked like it would drown me and tossed it my way. i grabbed it, mumbled "thanks", and walked off to the bathroom. i began to wash my face and remove my makeup. i changed out of the white dress and slipped on the sweatshirt. it was really big on me so i wasn't worried about pants. i exited the bathroom to find mitchel shirtless and scrolling through his phone. i stopped in the doorway and stared without even realizing what i was doing. he looked up and smirked before leaning back in the bed.

"you want a picture?" he asked coolly. i felt my face heat up and scoffed at him. i walked over to the bed and laid down, looking over at him.

"you're not that special, braid boy," i said while playing with one of his braids.

"oh so now i have a nickname, huh?" he said, looking over at me. he started poking at the little freckles i had scattered across my cheeks.

"go to sleep mitchel."

"i'm not tired anymore," he whined. he had a lot more to drink compared to me. he was making me feel extremely sober.

"well i am so shush."

"fine." he turned off the light. the only light coming through the room was from the light post outside.

i layed my head on one of the pillows and shut my eyes. i felt the bed shift a little bit before he whispered,

"angeline, i'm lonelyyyy."

i rolled my eyes, "i'm right here. what's your problem?"

"come here." i looked over and saw him beckon me over with his finger. it was dark in the room but the light coming through the window was just enough for me to make out what he was doing.

"um mitchel, i'm not doing that."

"what why? oh... shit angeline i'm not going to try anything with you. i just want to cuddle." his whole demeanor had changed. i complied and scooted over to him. i rested my back against his chest. he wrapped his arm around my side and rested his chin on the top of my head. he hummed a little before falling into a deep sleep. i stayed awake for a little while after he fell asleep, just feeling the rhythm of his breathing. i was beginning to like his company a lot more than i had initially planned.

i was falling for the braid boy from apartment 23.

apartment 23 // mitchel caveWhere stories live. Discover now