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i woke up the next morning with a killer headache. the kind that feels like it would be better if you just smashed your head through a wall. sounds ridiculous, but it seems logical when it's happening.

despite being drunk last night, i remembered everything that happened. i remembered going out with alexa, drinking, dancing with mitchel, having more drinks, and then coming back to apartment 23.

even though i remembered all of last nights events, i was still left shocked when i looked over to see mitchel sleeping, his arm draped over my stomach and his hair scattered across the pillow. i stared at him for a few minutes; i had never seen someone as peaceful as the boy laying next to me. his breathing was slow and steady. our "relationship", however, was the complete opposite. i worried that maybe we were going to fast. just last night i was pissed at him because of his music, and now here i am, laying in his bed with merely a sweatshirt and a pair of skimpy underwear to cover myself. i pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as i began to look around his room for a clock. i knew it was wednesday and that i had classes at 1:30. i prayed that i hadn't slept in too much. the sun shone through the single window in his room. i looked over at the bedside table where his phone was. i gently grabbed it to check the time; 9:56. i breathed a sigh of relief and felt mitchel stir next to me. he yawned a little bit before opening his blue eyes. we made eye contact and he broke out into a giant smile.

"damn, angeline" he whispered. his voice was raspy and dark.

he gently reached over and tucked a strand of hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear. i watched as his eyes traveled across my face and down my body. he made me feel some sort of way, i swear.

"i could get used to waking up next to you." he winked at me and i felt myself blush.

i sat up and looked over at him as he stared at me. the sunlight seemed to dance over his body, illuminating his features like a piece of fine art.

"thanks for letting me stay over." i said quietly.

"no problem, babe." he sat up and walked over to the door. "i'm going to make something to eat... unless you have any other ideas?" he smirked at me. i felt my heart rate increase dramatically. i knew what he was trying to imply. it's not fair that he was able to do this to me.

"nope. no ideas." i quickly replied, getting up. i held my breath as i walked past him out of his room and into the kitchen. he followed right behind me.

"want anything?" he asked as he grabbed a box of cereal.

"actually, do you have any pain killers? it feels like my head is about to fucking explode..." i asked, rubbing my head. he quickly walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a pill bottle. he handed them to me with a quick "here" and went back to making his cereal.

"thanks" i said as i quickly opened the bottle and shook a pill into my hand. "water please."

"oh yeah, here," he grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and handed it to me. i opened it, put the pill in my mouth, and washed it down with the cold water. mitchel was quickly eating his cereal as i sipped on the rest of the water. he finished and placed the bowl in the sink. he turned around and asked, "any plans for today?"

"actually, i have class." i answered nonchalantly. he seemed to be deflated once i told him that. as much as i would have liked to skip, i was paying for my own college. i cant afford to skip class.

"what time?" he asked.


"well, it's close to ten now, wanna do something?"

"i guess, what did you have in mind?" i looked up at him. he seemed deep in thought. i admired how his hair fell around his face. how the light bounced across his bare torso. i knew i shouldn't be thinking this way about a boy i practically just met, yet i couldn't help it.

"how about we have a picnic?" he suggested excitedly as his eyes lit up.

"a picnic...?" i was genuinely confused. i was half expecting some sort of dirty implication, but no. a picnic. this boy who probably got drunk every night and fucked a new girl each weekend had just suggested having a picnic. what the fuck.

"unless you don't want to, that's fine we can do something else" he quickly said. i shook my head,

"no a picnic sounds great, i just need to get changed."

mitchel simply nodded and cheerfully said, "great, go get changed." he walked over to his door and unlocked it for me. i smiled at him and quickly walked through his door to my apartment. i swiftly unlocked it and ran to my room. i immediately began sorting through various shirts and pants. i settled on a white tube top with a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans. i quickly got dressed, attempted to fix the black mess that was my hair, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. just as i was about to finish, i heard a knock on my door that was assumed to be mitchel. i quickly scurried across my apartment to my door, attempting to slip on my shoes on the way there. i opened it, out of breath, as he stood there with a pile of clothes - my clothes - in his hands.

"you forgot these... are you ok?" he looked confused at me as i tried to regain my breath. i definitely wasn't the most athletic. i nodded my head and grabbed the clothes. i set the down on the couch, grabbed my phone and wallet, and left with mitchel.

apartment 23 // mitchel caveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin