“Lavinia, you’re next.” Rita indifferently says.

            Harry walks back looking angry. As I’m about to pass him I send him a what-is-wrong look.

            “She’s crazy!” He casually whispers as I pass by.

            I smile and get inside. I go down the stairs and sit down near the window. She takes few seconds to get comfortable –I can’t blame her: this tight green shirt she’s wearing must be horrible for breathing, what a stupid idea- and starts the questions.

            “So, Analeigh. How do you feel about being the female champion of Hogwarts?” She asks.

            “I’m as excited as I’m scared.” I reply as coldly as she asked.

            She shoots me a I’m-smarter-then-you smile like I’m some child. Her quill moves as she speaks which makes it hard to concentrate.

            “For the magazine’s sake, we would love to know if the so famous Miss Lavinia has any romance going on in her life.” She says.

            “So famous? I’m not famous.” I correct.

            “Well of course you are my dear. Child of a Death Eater and a muggle. That sure is something to talk about. She’s dead isn’t she? Do you think that your mother would be proud to know that her ‘lovely’ little girl is participating in something as danger as this?”

            “My mother has nothing do to with me anymore. Bringing her in this will result you in no answers from me.” I reply angrily.

            How dare she brings my mother in this? It is none of her business!

            “Yes, of course. I’m sorry.”

            She sounds as convincing as Fred and George trying to cover up from something they did. I haven’t seen them for a moment now that I think about it. I can’t help but drop my shoulders and take a deep breath.

            “You still haven’t answered my question about the romance situation.” Rita mentions.

            I don’t even know how to answer. Well yeah I actually love two boys that love me back and they’re brothers as well but, you know, that’s kind of like, not how it works. I guess I’ll just go the normal way.

            “I keep the ones that are special close to me.” I reply.

            It wasn’t what I could call normal but at least it’s true. She nods and looks at her quill. The notepad turns towards her and she points something on it. The quill writes something and she looks back at me.

            “Is it true to say that perhaps Harry could be the one?” She asks.

            I hope she’s joking.

            “Harry is like a brother to me and is fourteen. So absolutely not.” I reply as calmly as I can.

             Starting a fight with someone that could possibly ruin me publicly might not be the greatest idea. She smiles and gets up right away. I follow her out and, as soon as she opens the door, I walk fast to Harry. Viktor is next and, as he passes next to me I tell him a clear good luck so Rita could hear me. As I stand next to Harry –who has the biggest smile on his face after my comment- I look at Rita who gives me a dirty look. I couldn’t help it.

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