Chapter 36- Coffee & Graduation Parties

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"Why do I always burn my tongue when drinking coffee?" Juliette groans in annoyance as she sticks out her tongue in a failed attempt to cool it off which earns a smirk out of Enzo.

Today's Sunday and I surprisingly was attempting to make amends with the brat herself.

She invited me out to grab a coffee along with Enzo and Liam to take not only the pressure but tension off of things as well.

It's such a shame that Enzo hasn't made a move on her yet because those two definitely have a thing for each other!

I can totally see it. It's as if they had a sign written on their forehead saying 'I like you.'

"Because you drink it when it's piping hot." Enzo remarks wittily

As soon as I sat down in the booth Liam reaches for my hand and interlaces our fingers and I feel my stomach erupt with thousands of butterflies.

"I have an amazing idea!" Juliette squeals and I raise rose a brow at her in questioning. "We should have one last party at my house as a celebration for graduating."

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Enzo comments.

"We don't even have to ask to Emma to know she's down." I laugh, knowing that my best friend is always in the mood for a good party especially when it's over something as important as graduating.

"Awesome!" She clapped in excitement. "It's settled then. Invite whoever your want and we'll have the party a few days after graduation."

For about an hour we started chit-chatting about the most randomest of things and laughing our asses of to Enzo's impersonation of Juliette shopping at the mall.

As we headed back over to Enzo's and Liam's car, Juliette spoke up. "Hey, do you think you guys can give me a ride back home? Enzo has to pick up his little brother from a friends house and my mom expects me to be home—" Liam instantly cut her off before she could even finish. "Of course, Juliette. It's not a big deal at all." He said.

Bleh, way to ruin my one on one time.

"Giana, you sure do have yourself a keeper on your hands." She winked and I swear my stomach twisted in so many knots that my head started to spin.

Why am I so easily jealous?

I need to stop.

Liam smirked and continued to tease me in front of the two. "She does, doesn't she?"


"Do you happen to have any battery left on your phone so we can gps our way back to my house? I don't really know this part of town too well." She batted her long lashes all pleadingly.

Yeah, of course Juliette! Directions to your house? I think I have that memorized in my head somewhere.

I think it sorta goes like up your ass and down the street to go home with Enzo Avenue.

Not to mention the fact that I don't think I really want to spend any vacation time with her while my boyfriend is there.

"Of course." He smiled and I can feel the anger brewing in me.

I'm not jealous!

You sure about that?

I'm not!

Within ten minutes we were already all buckled up in the car and on our way to Juliette's house.

Every two seconds Juliette's stupid voice kept talking about her worries for the rest of this year and my stupid boyfriend kept butting in to calm her nerves, but somehow it was annoying mine! 

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