Chapter 55: Injuries

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I stood up and grab a gun and pressed it against her back.

"Okay, no need to point a gun at me." She says and I glare at her, we started to walk out of the restaurant.

"Give me your badge," I say and she hands me it. We walk to the street and I walk in front of a car, holding up the badge.

"Police, we need the car, it's an emergency." I say and walk around the car, hiding the gun behind my back while Cher went the other way.

The man gets out of the car confusedly and says, "Why? What's going on?" I push him out of the way and sat in the driver seat while Cher sits next to me.

"A public shooting, thanks." I lied and slam the door shut and drove away.

"You just steal a car." Cher says and I grip on the steering wheel. "That's pretty badass Dems."

I gave her a look and she shuts up. "Which hospital are they at?" I ask her and she sighs, leaning against the door as she looks at me.

"Hopkins Hospital, can I have my badge back?" She says and I hand it to her, I drove with one hand while pointing the gun at her with the other.

"Thank you, you kinda ruin our plan Demi!" She says and frowns, I look at her confuse.

"What plan? Talk or I'll shoot you." I say and she nods, holding her hands up in surrender.

"Woah mate, just trying to help you out here. You don't have to try and kill me again, I know what your capable of." She says and I glance at her.

"Wait, where were you while I was knocked out in the restaurant?" I ask her, a little curious.

"I was clearing our names so we wouldn't be thrown into jail or juvie, you can thank me later." She says and smirks at me.

"Thank you then, but explain." I say and she nods, taking in a deep breath before explaining.

"Okay, so we plan this out before the tour, we both knew that somewhere along the tour, the fifth taunt will happen. Jamie tells me that whatever happens and if the men threatens to kill anyone that I have to switch out guns to an empty one and held her hostage but kill all the men but leave one standing. The thing is that under Jamie's beanie was a taped pack of ketchup and my gun was pressed against it. So, when I pull the trigger, the force of the gun will make the ketchup explode and it will look like blood. Jamie falls and acts dead but she's not dead, she's acting. But we didn't think that you will kill the man, he was going to go back to Jamie's killer and tell him that Jamie's dead and the killer will leave all of us alone. That means no final fight, no more killing and Jamie not ending up getting killed. But now, it looks like there is gonna be a final fight. Genius huh?" Cher says and I look at her amazed.

"God Cher! You should've told me! I actually thought that you killed my daughter!" I said and punch her shoulder, handing her the gun. She laughs and smiles broadly.

"No, I wouldn't kill her. She's been a very close friend to me and I wouldn't do that to you. And we didn't tell you or any of the girls because we wanted to make it look real, so that everyone can believe that I killed Jamie but I didn't. You went very psycho on the lad, it was disgusting when I walk back in. You teared him to shreds, literally. You weren't thinking were you?" She says and I shook my head, eyes focus on the road as I speed to the hospital.

"Yeah, I'm covered in blood. I just wanted him to feel the pain and become terrified of me. And yeah, I get it, everyone fell for it and so did I, I didn't even see it coming but I expected that someone was going to try and kill Jamie, I didn't even think it would be you. Sorry I almost killed you, I probably would if Lauren didn't point a gun at me. I wasn't thinking straight. I wanted revenge was all." I sigh and look at her, she gives me a pity look.

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