B.S. #3 You Begin Having Feelings For Him

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A/n- Hi peeps! Like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you all enjoy; like I've been saying already, I do hope you're all enjoying these boyfriend scenarios so far cause I think I'm just getting started on some of these, and if any of you have some suggestions for future scenarios you'd like to see published just message me (also thanks again to those who have already sent me suggestions I really liked them). Well then, LETS GO!! :)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Thump.thump. thump.

There it goes again. It seemed that the more my heart did that thumping, the more that I didn't really want it to stop. Because every time it did that, my mind went to Alphonse.

After that day he walked me home from my alchemy test, Alphonse and I had quickly become friends. It felt like I had known him my whole life, and just like I thought, he wasn't like anyone I had ever met before. Alphonse Elric was so warm and kind, and it seemed like it would hurt him to even harm something small like an ant. Even though he wore a seven foot tall suit of armor, he was anything but intimidating. In fact, to me he was the most gentle person I had ever met. Like how he was utterly obsessed with caring for stray cats and trying his best to take them with him, which made him even more adorable to me. I loved how he would get so excited when we talked about alchemy and how he would go in detail which made him so cute. I hadn't seen his face yet because for some reason he always wears that suit of armor, but I pictured him to be very good looking because of his charming personality.

Now every time I'm around him or even think about him I get a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach that I don't ever want to go away....
I put my hand over my chest to try and calm myself down, even if I knew it would do little help with the state I was putting myself in.

I felt blush rush to my cheeks while I smiled down at my hand I had placed over my heart, because now I knew why I was acting this way.

I have feelings for Alphonse.

They aren't like the feelings I get around my family, or the feelings I had around my friends when I was younger. And these feelings aren't even like the love that I felt for my grandfather, the person who was the core of my motivation to become a State Alchemist. These feelings, weren't like anything I'd ever felt before, but I was happy.

Alphonse makes me happy.

"I-I like Alphonse.... I like Alphonse..." I kept repeating over and over to myself, my smile growing bigger and bigger with happiness each time I said it. The feeling was so overwhelming that I wanted to scream to let it out, but I didn't so the people near my apartment wouldn't think I was being horrifically murdered.

Even though I've never had a crush on someone before, I figured out these feelings towards Alphonse fairly early since they were so evident. I knew what love was, but the next part of it scared me.

"How am I supposed to tell him?", I asked myself as I laid back on my bed. I wave of fear crept on me the longer I thought of how that scenario could turn out. He could stare at me for a few seconds and then start laughing uncontrollably at how stupid that is, he could be creeped out by it and never speak to me again, or worst of all, he could be gentle about it and reject me in his own kind way and I would cry in front of him.

Yeah, crying was definitely the last thing I wanted to do in front of Alphonse.

"(Sigh) Al, why do you have to be such a sweet dork?", I asked to my ceiling while staring up at it.

Alphonse Elric x Reader Oneshots (Book I)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora