I Care (Request Chapter #11 Part 2)

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A/N- Hi guys! Like usual here's this week's update that I hope you enjoy; Lol obviously this is part two to last week's chapter, so if some of you haven't read that yet please go do that then come back here, but anyways this was requested to me by @claudethefox56 so if you're reading I hope you like it too; (ps please listen to the music above if you want while you read) Well then, LETS GO!! :)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Inhale), A-Alphonse....t-there's something that we should, talk about...", I trailed off as I looked down at my lap. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I held them together nervously. What would Al say if I told him? Would he get mad at me for not telling him all this time, or worse...would he feel sorry for me.
My eyes widened as I looked up to see Alphonse gently grip one of my hands in his large one, no doubt probably seeing the light blush that I couldn't stop from coming onto my cheeks.
"(Y/N)...I just want you to talk to me, please", Alphonse said to me in an almost pleading way. How could I not when he said it to me like that?
I stared up into his glowing eyes for a little while before I cautiously continued, looking in front of me as I subconsciously gripped his hand back.

"Well, it started happening when we were ten years old.."

Third Perosn P.O.V (flashback)

(Y/N) sat under an old tree on the playground, contently reading a book. Though she enjoyed the extra time to read her current favorite book, (Y/N) still missed her friends; Alphonse wasn't feeling well and hadn't been able to come to school that day, and Edward had stayed home to help him get well; Winry also hadn't been able to go to school, having to go to a relative's wedding. So (Y/N) felt kind've lonely at school that day. While she smiled and turned another page, she heard footsteps coming towards her. When she looked up, she was met worh seeing a small group of boys from her class, but they didn't look very friendly to her.

"whatcha doing there (Y/N)? Reading another book?" one of the boys asked, smiling down at her while some of the boys around him snickered to each other. (Y/N) was confused by the tone in his voice when he said that, but was still polite when she answered him back, gently closing her book.
"mhm, its a really good book too; you guys can sit with me if you want,"(Y/N) said with a smile. She watched in confusion as the boys suddenly started laughing at her, and it wasn't the kind of laughter that felt right to hear. To her, it felt like the opposite of what real laughter should be.

(Laughing) Sit with you? No thanks sorry; Hey you mind if I just see your book there?" The main boy asked as he quickly reached down and snatched (Y/N)'s book from her lap, snickering in amusement as she immediately got up to get it back; By this moment, (Y/N) knew that these boys didn't want to play with her or ask about the book.

"Just like I thought; Hey guys look its another alchemy book!" the same boy said as he threw the book to his friends as they passed it around while he kept (Y/N) back with his arm.
"H-Hey what are you doing?! G-Give it ba-!" (Y/N) tried to yell in protest; Her (e/c) eyes widened as she felt the wind being knocked out of her. The head boy of the small group had harshly jabbed her in the stomach with his elbow as he continued to watch the others pass the book among themselves, a smile never leaving his face. (Y/N) then clutched her stomach and dropped to her knees on the ground, almost crying from the pain as she watched the boys.
"(Laugh) why do you read the same stuff all the time? Why do you do the same stuff all the time?" The boy asked as he turned down to (Y/N). She looked up at him in sadness, her eyes beginning to well with tears.

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