No Matter Where You Are

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A/n- Hi guys! As usual here's the newest chapter that I hope you like :) ; Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Third Person P.O.V

* Risembool, 1914 *

Edward and Alphonse were back in Risembool once again for more repairs for the eldest brother's automail. As the brothers neared Winry's home, Alphonse found his mind wandering back to a certain (h/c) haired girl, (Y/N). She and Alphonse had been the best of friends since they were very young. In fact, they both had grown up in Risembool together and were close neighbors, so they naturally began playing together at a very young age. The two quickly became inseparable, but they also had a few little fights as they got older...because they were both human. But despite all of this, they were always quick to make up and soon they were best friends again, as if nothing had ever happened. Alphonse thought of all these wonderful memories as they finally reached the home.

"Ed, Al! Welcome back home you guys!", Winry exclaimed as she gave the brothers a closed-eyed smile. Edward's cheeks then had a light pink hued tint appear on them, to which he then looked to the side embarrassed, then to his relief that Winry hadn't noticed. However Alphonse had noticed his older brother's display of shyness and was about to subliminally tease him, but he stopped himself from saying anything when he saw a figure coming down the steps, his helmet then sporting a deep pink hue.

"Oh (Y/N)! Look who decided to drop by!", Winry said with a smile as she looked up at her friend. (Y/N) then averted her gaze from Winry and turned her (e/c) orbs to the pair of brothers, her (s/c) cheeks then however gained a pink tint when her eyes fell on Alphonse. The two then simply looked at the other for a few more seconds before (Y/N) was the first to turn her head to the side, her blush slightly increasing as she nervously rubbed her arm.

"H-Hi Al, it's been a while h-huh?", (Y/N) asked as she then smiled at Alphonse. The 'blush' on Alphonse's helmet then slightly increased as he too rubbed his arm, a smile in his echoing voice.
"Y-Yeah, it has. It's great to see you (Y-Y/N)."

Edward and Winry looked on smiling at the two teens from the corner leading to the stairs. Edward then smirked and was about to say something teasing, but he was stopped by Winry as she quietly jabbed him in the side with her elbow, all the while still smiling at the two. Ed then let out an almost inaudible Yelp as he then rubbed his side, turning his agitated face to Winry.
"Ow! What the hell was that for Winr-"! Edward tried to whisper yell before he was silenced with another slightly more aggressive jab. Ed was about to shout for real before he silenced himself this time when he noticed Winry's intimidating smile, her blue eyes still looking at Alphonse and (Y/N).
"Ed. It's cute." That's all the blonde girl had to say in a scary tone to silence the blonde Alchemist for the time being, Winry then speaking up.

"Well anyway, you could say you guys dropped in at a pretty good time," Winry stated as she walked towards Alphonse and (Y/N), Ed still rubbing his side as he too walked forward.

"Really? What's going on Winry?", Al asked in curiosity as he slightly tilted his helmet to the side. Winry then chuckled to herself before smiling and answering the armor boy.
"You know Al! It's our annual Summer Harvest Dance remember?", Winry answered.
"O-Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot about that. I-I guess we've been away longer that we thought", Alphonse replied shyly rubbing his shoulder again.

"Speaking of which, would you guys maybe wanna go? Since you're here anyway.." Winry asked as she looked back and forth at the two brothers.
"Winry Al and I are here for auto-mail repairs, not some dance that we don't have time for," Edward replied as he looked annoyingly to the side and crossed his arms, still upset at Winry .
"Oh come on Ed! You two just-"
"Brother, I think it would be good for us to go; After all, we haven't been back home in a while..a-and it's been a long time since the four of us all did something together..." Alphonse interrupted hoping to persuade the eldest Elric. Edward then looked at Al and Winry before he sighed, still slightly annoyed.
"(Sigh), Oh alright! I guess some small dance won't hurt...", Edward decided as he averted everyone's gaze, slight blush on his cheeks. Alphonse then silently smiled to himself as Winry clapped her hands together as she sported a big happy smile, clearly satisfied with the decision, (Y/N) too smiling contently.

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