I Will Always Return

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A/n- hi guys! As usual every Friday here's the newest chapter I hope you like ; Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Third Person P.O.V

Edward and Alphonse were still on their journey to find the legendary Philosopher's Stone. The two brothers were stopping for Ed's sake to rest for the night in a forest that would eventually lead to the next town of their destination. After the fire had been started and the brothers had gotten comfortable, Alphonse reached inside his armor and pulled out some paper and a pencil in the quietest way he could. As Edward sat warming himself by the fire, he eventually heard the scribbling of Alphonse's pencil and averted his gaze from the fire, now focusing on his younger brother curiously.

"Hey Al, whatcha writing?" Edward asked curiously as he pointed to the paper in the armored boy's hands. Alphonse then averted his glowing eyes down to said paper and began to 'blush' as he waved his hands in front of himself frantically, paper included.

"O-Oh i-it's nothing B-Brother,really!" Alphonse replied back, still 'blushing'.

"Oh really, then why is your armor so red if it's 'nothing'?,huh Al?", Edward then asked back as he smirked, putting air quotes on 'nothing' with his fingers before he smugly folded his arms. Alphonse's red hue on his metal cheeks then almost immediately spread to his entire helmet as his 'blush' increased, him then averting his gaze from his elder brother.
"W-Well, it's actually...a-a letter...I-I'm writing for (Y-Y/N)...", Alphonse finally confessed as he still avoided Edward's gaze, a pink 'blush' now on his metal cheeks instead of a red one.
"Al, it's ok. I'm not gonna laugh at you.; Would you, mind if I read it?", Ed said honestly as he reached out his white gloved hand, simply interested in Alphonse's thoughts. In Al's current state, Edward as an older brother always wanted to be up to date with how his little brother felt, since he knew he was left alone every night to said thoughts while he himself slept. Alphonse hesitated for a little while before he sighed slightly, trusting his brother's words as he handed him the paper.
"Well, I don't see why not.; J-Just...as long as you promise you won't laugh."

'Dear (Y/N),
It's me Alphonse. I'm writing to you again to say that things are going pretty well for Brother and I right now. We've not ran into the Homunculi in a little while, so we've not really had that many problems; I feel like we are getting closer and closer to finding the Philosopher's Stone, and Brother feels the same. And that means, that we're one step closer to being able to come home forever. That also means...that I'm that much closer to being able to come home to you. (Y/N), there's so many things I want to say to you. The truth is, I love you (Y/N) ; I've loved you for a very long time, and I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you in person. In fact I feel like a coward for not being able to say it to you face to face, but I didn't want to wait any longer, I couldn't wait any longer; So anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing you again so I can tell you absolutely everything I love about you, even though you probably don't return my feelings..and I don't blame you at all if you don't; And also, when you get the chance tell Winry I'm still looking forward to eating her apple pie.
Alphonse Elric

Edward sat still as he finished reading his brother's deepest feelings, smiling to himself at Al's touching cheesiness.
"So, you're finally going to tell her how you really feel huh? Took you long enough..", Edward said with a genuine smile as he handed the important paper back to Alphonse, who seemed to be surprised at his brother's words.
"Wait, you mean you're not going to tease me again..or tell me what a coward I am?", Alphonse asked surprised as he put the love letter in his armor.
"I promised you I wouldn't laugh didn't I? And besides, you're not a coward; Hell, it takes a lot of courage  all by itself for a person to even confess something like that to someone anyway. So don't think so little of yourself Al, you're a great guy, and I'm not just saying that because you're my little brother; Course I guess I can't really call you little anymore can I? And also, (Y/N) doesn't think you're a coward either..and she doesn't care what you look like. So trust me, that's the least of your worries..", Edward said as he looked back down at the still blazing fire, a light pink blush on his cheeks from embarrassment at voicing his feelings out loud.

Alphonse Elric x Reader Oneshots (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now