Die A Happy Man

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A/n - hey guys! I know this chapter might be really late, but I've kinda had a busy day, so I still hope you like it! This is a chapter idea requested by @_TheMidnightMoon_ where a human Alphonse proposes to (Y/N). You can also use any of the two videos above to listen to while you read :) Well, LETS GO!! :)

Third Person P.O.V

Today was the day...the day Alphonse would finally do it. He had decided that today was the day he'd finally propose to (Y/N); His brother Edward had teased him about marrying (Y/N) when they all were children, but Ed could tell now that they were older that Alphonse was completely serious about it. (Y/N) had been with the Elric brothers since the day they started their journey, and each day Alphonse fell more and more in love with her than he already was.

Now that they were eighteen, and the final battle was long over, Al felt that now was the perfect time. So in a mixture of excitement and utter terror, Alphonse paced back in forth in his bedroom thinking to himself.
'Ok, you can do this Alphonse, you've always been able to talk to (Y/N), and even though this is extremely important, all you have to do is calm down and ask her straight out' Alphonse said to himself still pacing with the glimmering ring in his pocket.

"Ok, I guess it's now or never huh?" Al said chuckling to himself before he finally left his room to go to (Y/N).

When Alphonse finally walked to (Y/N)'s house down the road, he found himself even more nervous than he was before. How was he suppose to ask her? What if when he took the small box from his pocket he dropped it? What if he was just a blushing, stuttering mess and only embarrassed himself? All these thoughts were racing through Al's mind as he stood still at (Y/N)'s door. For a few minutes he only stood there, to afraid to move. 'What am I doing? Brother (Y/N) and I and all our other friends fought an opponent as powerful as Father, yet proposing to the girl I love is somehow scarier' Al said to himself, his heartbeat racing. Finally Alphonse resolved in his mind that enough was enough, so he finally decided to knock on (Y/N)'s door.

When (Y/N) came to the door, Al couldn't help but get lost in her beautiful (e/c) eyes like he'd always seemed to do.
"Oh, hi Al! Would you like to come inside?" (Y/N) asked politely.
"O-Oh, thank you (Y/N)" Al answered back smiling with a slight blush as he rubbed his neck shyly.

After (Y/N) let Alphonse come inside, the two then proceeded to sit on the couch.
"I'm really glad you stopped by today Al, I know I see you almost every day..but I'm just still so glad to have you back" (Y/N) commented as she then gazed at her lap while running a hand through her (h/l), (h/c) hair; as she did this, Al's blush and heartbeat only seemed to increase that much more, him knowing that he didn't need to waste any more time.

Alphonse  then slightly shifted his weight on the couch, scooting himself closer to (Y/N) so much that their thighs touched slightly. He then wasted no time in gently reaching to hold his larger hand over (Y/N)'s, earning a very deep blush from her in the process.

"A-Al..." (Y/N) said as she blushed deeper, gazing up into Alphonse's golden eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)... I came over today not just because I love spending time with you everyday...but because I have something very important to ask you. I've been thinking about it lately, and at first I didn't even know of a way to even ask it..but now I do" Alphonse replied as he then shifted the two of them off the couch, them now standing in front of it.

Alphonse Elric x Reader Oneshots (Book I)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt