Adorable Jealousy (Request Chapter #6)

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A/n- Hello guys! It's Sarah and it is once again Friday, so here's the next chapter that I hope you all enjoy. This is another request chapter I had promised to do for  @claudethefox56, where it is "a one shot when Alphonse (in armor) gets jealous. So without any further delay, LETS GO!! :)

Third Person P.O.V

Alphonse sat on his childhood friend Winry's couch, thinking to himself about what he had saw only a few hours before.
"Who was that earlier? I wonder how (Y/N) knows him; What if he's a secret boyfriend no one knows about?!" Alphonse questioned to himself, the glowing eyes inside his armored helmet widening at the horrible thought. (Y/N) was another of Alphonse's childhood friends, and for years the armored boy had been secretly in love with his best friend.

*Flashback, a few hours earlier*

He and (Y/N) had gone into Central while they had returned home for Ed's automail repairs from their journey for the Philosopher's Stone before coming to Winry's. Alphonse had told (Y/N) it would be fine for her to wait for him outside a store while he got some groceries to help with dinner later that day at the Rockbells, since they knew the three would be coming back home for a visit that day. So then, it was only natural for Alphonse to be confused and heartbroken to see (Y/N) still standing outside the store where she'd been when he went inside talking to a boy their age.
Alphonse at that moment found it difficult to keep the grip he had on the bag of groceries, almost dropping the bag. He had been in love with (Y/N) for years, but he knew that if she loved someone else he would want her to be happy..even if it wasn't with him.

Alphonse then comically hung his helmet down, failing to get the image of the two talking and laughing outside the store.
"By the way they were talking it was like they had known each other for years. And whoever he was, he seemed really nice too; (Y/N) seemed to be happy with him too," "but why would she keep her boyfriend a secret?!" Alphonse suddenly exclaimed worriedly, no longer keeping his questions in his own thoughts while his gloved hands were on either side of his helmet.

"Whose boyfriend is a secret?"
Alphonse jumped slightly and turned his helmet to the side to see Winry standing behind him, a wrench in her hand while her head was tilted to the side in confusion.
The armored boy's helmet turned red and his glowing eyes widened knowing Winry had hear his inner turmoil, Alphonse then quickly shaking his helmet while he waved his hands nervously.
"O-Oh it's n-nothing Winry! I-I was just t-talking to myself i-it's nothing important!" Alphonse tried to explain in profuse stuttering. Winry only smiled at her close friend's behavior, easily reading the boy like an open book.
"Come on Al, you should know by now that you're a terrible liar," Winry stated, causing Alphonse's helmet to deepen in red "blush" as she walked to sit next to him on the couch.
"Who were you talking about Al? You can tell me I promise I won't tell anyone about it," Winry said with an honest smile. Winry's smile comforting smile calmed down Alphonse and his red helmet slowly turned to a light pink blush on his metal cheeks.
" was when (Y/N) and I were in Central getting groceries for dinner.."

Alphonse went on to tell Winry of what had happened a few hours earlier, about how he had seen (Y/N)'s supposed "secret boyfriend". When Alphonse described what the boy looked like, Winry realized who he was talking about. She remembered (Y/N) had told her once before when they were younger about the boy who Alphonse said was her "boyfriend", but didn't say anything to Alphonse and let him continue ranting. Winry found it rather adorable how much Alphonse was jealous of the boy despite not knowing who he was. She had known for a long time how Alphonse felt about (Y/N), and she had gotten (Y/N) to admit to her that she felt the same way about Al. The more Alphonse jealously rambled on about the mysterious boy, Winry couldn't contain herself any longer and let out a giggle, causing Alphonse to stop ranting and look at the blonde.

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