I Care (Request Chapter #11 Part 1)

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A/n- Hey guys, like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you all enjoy; this one is a request loosely based on the one commented to me by @claudethefox56 , and I have some background music above for you to listen to while you read if you want; well then, LETS GO!! :)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sat in my bedroom on my bed, my legs crossed as I looked out the window; I had my elbow propped up on the window sill with my chin resting in my hand, my (e/c) eyes glancing down at my alarm clock every so often

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I sat in my bedroom on my bed, my legs crossed as I looked out the window; I had my elbow propped up on the window sill with my chin resting in my hand, my (e/c) eyes glancing down at my alarm clock every so often.

As the warm rays of the sun came through the window, I closed my eyes and sighed.
"(Sigh) I hope he doesn't forget...", I trailed off as my eyes remained closed. Alphonse, my best friend since before I  can even remember, had promised he would come by today so we could spend time together; He had suggested we pick a day to just spend time with each other before he and Ed had to leave again on their journey, and since it had felt like forever since we'd seen each other.

"You're such a loser! No wonder your 'friends' never have time for you!"

I immediately snapped open my eyes again, while my other hand absentmindedly gripped the window sill.

"And what about your parents huh? you really think they're away all the time because of their jobs?"

My hand gripped the window sill harder and harder, my knuckles becoming white because of my intense hold.
"(Laughing) You must really enjoy this huh? Since you still haven't changed!"

As I felt a tear stream down my face, I broke my grip on the window to immediately wipe it away, all the while shaking my head.
"N-No,not today. Al's supposed to be coming by, I don't want to think about that right now. I've got a whole lot of time after they leave again to think..", I said to myself.

I couldn't stop myself from glancing down at my clock; I've always had a habit of glancing down at a clock whenever I get nervous or when I think I'm going to be late for something; But I guess I was just anxious to see Al again....N-Not that I could say that to his face.
I turned my attention from the widow and sighed again, a blush coming to my cheeks as I ran a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair.The truth,is that I might have a small crush on Alphonse...o-ok maybe it's more than a small crush. As I looked up at my ceiling, I felt the blush on my cheeks darken the more I thought about him. Though I missed his real body and I wanted him to get it back more than anything, whenever I looked into his glowing eyes I just...got lost in them. It was like whenever I looked into those glowing eyes, I felt like he was looking into my soul..like he understood me without having to say anything. My (e/c) eyes widened as my whole face went red, me then shaking my head furiously and covering my cheeks with my hands as I laid on my bed,my eyes now closed shut.

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