1:27 pm // Restless

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I can't seem to get them to understand,
I've lost time,
I can't loose more,

I have demons in my head,
And angels on my shoulders,
But those angels are quiet,
And those demons like to scream,

Evil thoughts are easy,
And I could push them all away if I wanted to,
But I don't,
I want to do all those stupid things,
So I listen,
Their voices get louder and louder,

All I've got is money in my mind,
I have to find these escapes.

I can't feel anything anymore but the bass in my bones,
And sweat running down my neck,
The burn of my throat when I inhale,
Or of my stomach when I swallow,

I don't regret it now,
Maybe I will someday,

I want to live,
I'm living,
But to live I have to get close to dying,

I've come to this conclusion before but still can't figure out why,
Why is that?

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