1:30 am // Perspectives

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  The waves roll below like oceans of tides in my mind,

I scream your name but my mouth is filled with the salty water and I feel myself falling under again,

I'm standing on soft warm sand sinking into it like its made of foam,

I think I'm drowning in you again.

Why do you always have to fill my lungs with your toxic water?

For fucks sake, I'm begging you. . .

Let me breath

You killed me enough already when you let me fall,
and now it just feels like you're trying to hide my body.

You're like a rose in a garden,
You were planted and you grew.

You're so beautiful, I wanted to keep you in my home. I wanted you with me.

So I picked you.

But that was a mistake because now you've wilted and tears drop on your pedals as I put you back outside.

I tried to contain you.

Even though I gave you everything you needed, you still died.

Maybe some things just aren't meant to be contained.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to ruin you.
If only I didn't ache so badly when I said your name,

I can barley speak it,

My lips tremble and I feel like everything hurts,

They tell me that this kind of pain isn't physical,

But I feel like I have a thousand pounds laying on my chest,

And no matter how hard I try,

I can't lift it.


I miss you.

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