4:05 pm // Been feeling empty latley

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She isn't you.
It's not like I wish she was, but I wish I had with her what I had with you,
It's almost like there's no connection.
There's no warm fuzzy feeling in my chest.
There's no smell that reminds me of her,
There's no little things or words.

I wasn't ready to move on I guess,
Because I'm still sitting here mourning what's been dead for a good month now.

Being left hurts,
And I wish all these scars would just heal.
I anticipated all these wounds being closed by now, guess that's another mistake on me.

I feel like I'm missing something all the time and my replacements aren't helping.
I told myself,
Don't get attached.
I didn't get attached, she did.
And maybe that's the problem.

Someone always ends up heart broken, but maybe this time it's going to be both of us.

A catastrophe of massive proportions,
On two small people.

That's what love is, isn't?

An impulsive, prominent catastrophe that will end up killing us all.

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