5:08 pm // Im okay

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Whenever you walk next to me I feel almost invincible, and I know that I'm going to be okay,

And I'm falling for you a lot more than I expected.

But sometimes when I see her I still feel like someone dropped a weight on my chest,
And I wish you were standing next to me again,
Because your presence alone makes me feel strong.

I don't look at her the way I used to,
She's not my friend,
She's just another person in the room,
Another stranger I walk past sometimes,
Another pair of eyes I accidentally meet with and look away,

We never smile at each other,
And there's no casual conversation.

It's not like I long for it anymore,
Because I don't need her like I used to,

But she was still my friend,
And sometimes it hurts a little to see her laughing with other people.
I just hope they take care of her,
Since I can't anymore.

But I feel like I'm finally falling back into the person I used to be,
And I'm finally finding a place I belong,

And I have you by my side now,
And I don't think I could ask for anything better.

I know that everything is going to be okay.
And now,
Because of you,

I'm okay.

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