1:12 am // (S)a(I)(N)t

25 0 0

You are no saint,

No empty words to fill your mouth,
Nothing to be spoken of or thought of,

A thought in my head is all you are,
A single thought.

A million different lights shine on me,
All in colors,
Dark shades,
Setting a mood for me that shows,
I am forever entranced by this odd embrace,
This odd feeling that I find comfort in,
That others could never understand,
And I can not describe.

In your essence I smell a deep lavender,
But it's burning,
It burns my lungs,
My eyes,
Your always burning up in front of me.

For my own misery,
I'd do anything,
It's endless and relentless,
Finding me everywhere it follows me like a lost dog,
Just barking occasionally to remind me,
That it is hungry.
And so I feed it.

Smoke fills my heart,
And my head in these light washed clouds,
In odd shapes never making enough sense to describe,
In fact I lose all of my senses,
And I've become lost,

In a whirlwind,
An ocean of dark blue water,
Where every corner looks the same,
And you can't tell which way is up or down,

I have seen you,
You see?
I have seen you in my mind.
You're as deep as the ocean I've described multiple different times,
No saint.
You're no saint to me.

Nobody knew,
How deep you,
A sinner would go,
All just to save your own skin,
And to let mine burn,

Maybe that is what I've smelled burning all this time,
Your presence was lavender,
But I was the one on fire.

Empty Thoughts - ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang