11:54 pm // Life&Death

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Midnight sadness seems to find it's way back,
I don't always know why.
I kinda wish I did know, maybe I could make it stop.
At the same time, I don't think I would make it stop if I could,
It kind of reminds me of being alive.
Sometimes I feel like I just go so numb,
Sadness is like holding a sharp knife,
That you might accidentally cut yourself with every now and then,
Just to remind you that it's there,
That your alive and feeling.
Some people just want to be numb and sometimes I do to,
But at the same time it scares me.

I'm scared that I won't remember what it's like to feel again,
And even though half the time I'd give anything to not be able to feel,
I can't imagine not having that weird burst of warmth in my heart,
Or passion and inquisitiveness.

Some days I wish I could be a ghost,
Or a wave in the ocean,
Some days I wish I could be anything but me.

Other days,
I'm glad that I'm here.
I'm glad for each breath I take and each memory I have,
Each smile,
And each pair of eyes I meet.

Over time I've found that this is just life.

Sometimes we want to die,
But we only want to die because we feel like we aren't living.
And that's what most of us want.

To live.
But most of the time, to "live,"
you have to risk dying.

So really,
What's "living?"

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