An unknown number

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The exams week begin, Riya and I met during the examination, greeted each other good luck and went to write the exam, and after the exam we went back home. We didn't talk much there. We continued doing this till the last exam. On the day of the last exam, I went and spoke to her, and asked 'done with your packing?'
She smiled and said 'yes, little packing is left. I will do it later.'
'You'll be missed Miss Basu' I said
'So do you Mr. Singh and thanks for everything you have done to me' she said.
'Ha-ha, you need not be thankful, you are being too formal now, go and complete your packing,' I said

At that moment, I was going through different feelings, I was feeling happy as I spoke to her after a very long time, I was feeling sad as she is leaving me forever, now I cannot see her in real, the only hope, if us to meet, was the technology. I now cannot even talk to her as her mobile isn't working, why god? Why all the problems come at the same time.

Later that evening, while I was thinking how to talk to Riya, I got a call from an unknown number, saying 'Tomorrow morning I am leaving to Kolkata, and you might be thinking about me now' it was a call from Riya.
'Hey, how are you, I am missing you, finally, you have purchased a new mobile and a sim, that's good,' I said out of happiness and ignored what she said.
'No, it's my sister's number, I call to inform you that tomorrow I am leaving' she informed again.
'Yeah, I will miss you, but can't come to give you a sendoff' I said
'Why?' she said.
'I can't come because your uncle might be with you, like the last time you've been to your native, he was with you,' I told.
'Nope, he is not here anymore,' she said.
'Oh, sad to hear about it. What had happened to him,' I tried to continue the conversation.
'Shut up, he is all fine. Not here means he is in Kolkata. By the way, won't you come to give me a sendoff'? She continued asking.
'Me? I should sacrifice my sleep to come to the station and give you a send-off? Never happening,' I said. Listening to my words, she hung up the call and as I expected she was upset. 

Close Distance RelationshipDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora