The schedule

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Later in the night, we waited for each other's text. We kept chatting the whole night talking about the incidents that happened in the college. We decided to make a plan of our distance relationship; we decided to do the texting in the morning and evening, face chat in the afternoon and voice call for a few minutes before we sleep. After the completion of the schedule, Riya said. 'this sounds a perfect schedule, from tomorrow we will implement it because I am tired now, good night,' and I was thinking 'will this distance relation works or not? Because I've been hearing from many people that distance relationship never lasts long, one or the other day their connection fails and they end up by breaking up because of trust issues.

The next day in the morning, I was waiting for her in the corridor, later I realized that we started a new beginning. I was habituated of talking to her at the corridor and I thought that it would take few more days for me to get rid of it because it's not easy to forget the things which gave us beautiful memories.

A day without meeting her was like a day for the tired person with no sleep. The moment we look at each other, the smile on our faces tells everything that how eagerly we were waiting to see each other. We met for a while; greeted each other and that moment was like we met for the first time in life. In fact, this new beginning of ours made us get habituated of everything. We met, spoke for a while and left back to class by saying 'I'll catch you in the evening.'

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