Close to distance relationship

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The next day, in the college, I asked her the reason for not lifting the call, she said she will be giving the answer on the video call, and she left. In the evening, I called her up and asked her the reason, she said that her mobile screen got broken and because of that it's not working and also her network is troubling of her telecom network. I gave her an advice to buy a new sim and a new mobile, she said 'Nope, I will take when I go back to my native.'
'What?' I questioned.
'I am going back to my native after our exams' she said.
'But why' I asked.
'My sister's project in the company is done here, and she is going back to the hometown next month, and from next week our exams are beginning and by the end of this month I will be going' she said.
Listening to that I was broken and I said, 'Why don't you stay back and let your sister go'
'Sorry Sammer, I can't. I have given an application to one of the MBA colleges in Kolkata and maybe from the beginning of next month, the interview for admission starts, I have to go' Riya said,
'Then what about our, Close Distance Relationship?' I asked.
'We are connected with each other. Even when I went to my hometown for few days, you controlled right? We were connected, we spoke on call. Still, we will be in the relationship, a distance relationship.' She said.
'Those few days, I have gone mad, without seeing you, talking to you. Now you are going forever, far away from me' I cried.
'You have to adjust yourself. Things look difficult in the beginning, later once you adjust, you'll be habituated. Adjustment is a part of life. I hope you understand.' She explained.
'Then how will we meet? Here the college helped us to meet every day, there was a hope that I can see you in real, but now how to meet, how to see each other in real?' I kept asking her questions.
'Look Sameer, I have an idea, what we will do is, we will meet every month. For a month you spend your weekend in Kolkata, where we will meet and talk, and the next month I will come and visit you, giving an excuse to my parents to meet you and spend time with you. We will do this every alternate month. From our close distance relation, we will make our relationship into the distance relation. I hope this sounds good' she asked.
'It sounds perfect' I said.
'But before I leave, this would be our last talk, because this time I am not there for you to explain the subjects. You have to prepare yourself, I won't be available and I don't want you to think of me. This is for our future Sameer, this two weeks we have to forget each other and think about our studies and after that, we have lots of time to talk and meet' she said and hanged up the call.
I took her words seriously, tried to focus on my studies and tried not to think of her as it is the matter of our future. I started preparing for exams and with full concentration, I was into the preparation.

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