Wedding day

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1 year later

I am currently sitting in my dressing room again, with precious helping me get ready for my wedding. Adam has the boys in Zane's dressing room and Zane's parents has the baby, Jackson.

"MOMMY!!" I heard my little munchkins running in the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Uncle Adam smacked daddy" Asher pouted

"I did not!" I heard Adam yell from down the hall.

"Now why would he do that?" I asked them.

"Because daddy said he was sexier than you." Aiden said this time.

"I did not!" Zane yelled. I just rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

"Mommy what does sexy mean?" Aiden asked

"It means gay" I whispered so Zane couldn't hear. Both boys gasped.

"Daddy's gay??" They whispered back in unison. I nodded and they both ran away giggling.

"ASHLEY!!" I heard Zane yell a moment later and smirked in victory.

"You ready girl?" Precious has asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I took a deep breath and opened my dressing room door. Zane's dad was standing by the door. Since my dad couldn't make it. I didn't want him here even if he could. Zane's dad was honored to walk me down the isle. He don't have any daughters but he treats me like one and I appreciate him and Zane's mom for taking me into their home with open arms.

"Are you ready?" He asked me. I couldn't even form proper words. I just nodded. He smiled and looped my arm with his and we proceeded to walk towards the door to the altar. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Everyone stood up and started at me making me feel a little nervous but when my eyes met Zanes the world stopped. I love this man more than anything. I didn't realize I was already standing in front of him till his dad kissed my cheek and walked away. Leaving me there breathless in front of the most gorgeous man on the planet. I didn't realize it already started till I heard Zane say I do.

"Ashley Johnson, do you take Zane Satini to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part" I took a deep breath

"I do" I smiled and so didn't Zane

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Zane had the biggest smile on his face and he picked me up and spun me around and kissed me so passionately and deeply. He put me down and we laughed. Cheers erupted everywhere. Asher and Aiden ran to us, I picked up Aiden while Zane picked up Asher. I kissed their cheeks before heading down the isle to our car. We put the boys in and Zane's mom came over and told us how happy she is and gave us Jackson. I put Jackson in the car with the other boys and gave her a big hug. Zane and I got in the car and proceeded to drive home. After all this time we are finally married.

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