Chapter 9

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Draven's POV

I ran through the house calling for Zane I came to his office and opened it as quick as I could "I told you to kno-"

"I-it's Ashley!" I said while trying to catch my breath.

"Where the fuck is she!!"


"Spit it the fuck out before I loose my shit!"

"She's gone" next thing I knew I was being pinned up against the wall with Zanes hand on my throat.

"What do mean she's fucking gone" I couldn't talk or breathe, my face was turning purple I'm sure. Zane let go and I slip to the floor "speak"

"I was with her but I had to use the bathroom so I told her to sit on a bench and when I came out she was gone but she left her purse" I handed Zane the purse and he dumped it out. She left everything.

"Get me the security camera footage of the mall, now!!"

Ashley's POV

When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by darkness, except a little light coming from the window. I looked down and realized I was naked, I tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot through my body and I let out a load groan. Suddenly a door in front of me opened and a man walked in. He flipped a switch and lights came on. It was like a basement but there was whips, cuffs, needles, and all kinds of shit. I looked at the man and my fear turned to rage. "What the fuck do you want"

"Oh sweet pea, don't act like that towards your favorite father"

"I don't want anything to do with you or that bastard who knocked my mom up."

"Well I guess your shit out of luck" I tried to stand up but realized I was shackled to the floor.

"Leave me the fuck alone" I spat with as much venom in my words as possible

"Feisty, I like it. This will surely be fun"
Two months...I've been down here for two months hoping and wishing for Zane to find me but as the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months I'm starting to loose hope on ever being found. Maybe Zane just realized I wasn't worth it and isn't looking for me. I wouldn't be surprised if I never got out of here. I've already been through it all I've been beat, drugged, raped. I can barley move my body.

Zane's POV
I've been looking for Ashley for two months. I haven't given up on her, I miss her more and more each day. I miss waking up and falling asleep with her in my arms. I miss showering  with her in the morning her soft skin, slim figure, her gorgeous eyes, the way she smiled. I swear her smile could brightened anyone's day. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts "come in" I mumbled but loud enough for them to hear in a couple seconds Draven peeked his head in and walked over to me. "What do you want"

"I would like you to get your depressed lazy ass out of bed and go somewhere. You haven't ate in 5 days and you haven't socialized or even showered in THREE weeks. You fucking stink. Get up!" I barely heard anything he said all I could comprehend was that I'm depressed and lazy and that I need to get up but all I could muster was just a single "no" next thing I knew I was being dragged off the bed onto the cold hard floor, I had clothes thrown at my face

"get the hell up and into the bathroom. Don't make me bathe your sexy ass my self, cause I will" I just rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and gasped. I look like shit. I proceeded to undress my self and turned the water on. I stepped in once I got it to the right temperature. It felt so relaxing but I still couldn't get my mind off of Ashley. Was she okay or even still alive. When I finished my shower I got dressed and headed into the kitchen. I hadn't realized how weak I was from not eating. I was starved and very dehydrated. I just grabbed a granola bar and went to leave but I ran into Draven instead my body was so weak and worn out I couldn't even try to hold my balance and I just fell. "Woah, I'm sorry man" he stuck his hand out and I grabbed it he pulled me to my feet and dragged me out the door.

"Hey! I thought you was just helping me up not hull me off to god knows where."

"Shut up and just follow" I didn't say anything else. He put me in the car and proceeded to drive to I don't know where. After about 20 minutes we pulled up into a parking lot too a mansion I knew all too well. Charles. I looked at Draven confused. And he has the biggest smile on his face. We haven't see Charles in a while.

"Can you stop smiling like an idiot and tell me why we are here" I didn't mind we were here. I've been wanting to talk to him about his disappearance because you can't just up and leave. You have to consult the leader or boss. Which in most cases would be my dad but for certain men they come to me and Charles happens to be one of those men.

"Okay listen....Charles is the rat"

Oh shit.!! Some of you probably already knew that buuut what a cliff hanger. 😂😊

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