Chapter 15

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I was devastated, I mean what did I expect? For Zane to love me? I'm nothing but a stripper he bought. I was currently walking down the street heading to god knows where, I never really went anywhere on my own without Draven, I didn't mind, Draven was good company and he reminded me a lot of Adam. I haven't seen him since Zane bought me, I haven't seen precious either. I may not miss those old Pervy guys but I do miss my friends I made. I started hearing footsteps but when I turned around it wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

I thought it was going to be some drunk men about to chase me down but when I turned around on the ground in front of me was a German Shepherd puppy

I thought it was going to be some drunk men about to chase me down but when I turned around on the ground in front of me was a German Shepherd puppy

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It was the cutest thing ever. I checked and it was a girl. "Aww hello there, are you lost?" She turned her head sideways and gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes. "Well I can't keep you but I could help you find your home" I picked her up and walked in a store that allowed dogs so I could buy a leash, collar and whatever else she would need to use our house as a hotel.

I bought the stuff and put her on the leash and proceeded to walk home. I can tell you now Zane will not be happy, but who gives a fuck, I wasn't happy when I saw him making out with some bimbo. He will have to learn how to deal with it.

She's only known me for 20 minutes and she was already so protective of me. When ever someone got too close for her liking she would growl.

After about another 30 minutes of walking we finally made it back to the house. I took a deep breath and led her into the house. I took her off the leash and got her food and water bowls and filled them up. Then proceeded to find Zane. I heard barking from down stairs then realized that the puppy found Zane before me.

"ASHLEY!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" I heard Zanes voice boom through the house. I ran down stairs and saw him and the puppy making eye contact. They both looked so mad at each other it was kinda cute. I giggled and Zane looked me at. "Explain what this is?"

"A puppy?" I said but it came out as a question.

"I know what a puppy looks like. Who the fuck does it belong to"



"But za-"

"I said no" what a dick

"Fine then, I'll just take Ruby and move back into my old apartment and get my old job back as a stripper" I saw his jaw clench, I was pushing his buttons.

"You named her?"

"Yep, just now, cute right?" I said as I proceeded to pack Ruby's things.

"Ashley stop"

"No Zane, she is cute and amazing and would make a great guard dog in the future, I'm keeping her"

"We can keep her just don't leave." He sounded so sad and broken

"Why does it matter too you, you have that blonde bimbo you was making out with in your office" his eyes widened

"Ashley it's no-"

"No Zane, leave it, it's fine" it wasn't really fine but I didn't want to hear his excuses.

"No, Ashley plea-"

"Zane st-"

"Ashley would you just shut up and listen to me for 5 fucking seconds!" I jumped at his sudden outburst but nodded telling him to go on.

"That blonde bimbo was Maria! When I went to my office she was sitting on my desk with her legs spread, I made her get off my desk and she got mad then she tried flirting some more, I turned her down each time then she kissed me but I didn't kiss back I pushed her away but you happened to come in right as she kissed me. Ashley. I-I love you, Ashley you have made me the happiest man alive, cheesy I know but it's true, if I would have never met you that night at the strip club I would still be my old self, partying and having useless fucks. Please baby, I want you. No one else but you. I wanted this moment to be more special but I'll do anything to prove too you how much you mean to me and how much I love you..." he got down on one knee "will you marry me"

There might only be a chapter or 2 left. Let me know what you think. Should I do a sequel?

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