Chapter 7

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I heard movement around the room and I slowly fluttered my eyes open. "Zane..?"

"I'm sorry Ashley did I wake you?" He sounded very concerned

"No im fine, I was about to get up anyways. What are you doing?"

"I'm heading downstairs, my men are trying to find where that package came from. You should probably come Incase we need to ask you any questions" I just simply nodded and got out a bed. I found some clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower "can I join?" Zane whispered behind me

"You wish" I laughed and ran in the bathroom before he could catch me.

"I'll get you cara Mia!" I just ignored him and finished my shower. I stepped out and dried myself and got dressed I walked out the bathroom and Zane came from nowhere and picked me up and threw me on the bed making me squeal. He climbed on top of me and and shoved my hands above my head and started kissing my neck nibbling at my skin making me moan. He kept one hand holding mine so I couldn't move and he used his other hand to explore my body, he slipped his hand up my shirt and cupped my boobs over my bra. He kissed all the way down my body to the hem of my panties, he hooked his fingers inside getting ready to pull them down when he stopped came back up to quickly peck my lips and jump
Off the bed. "We have a meeting, babes" I rolled my eyes, sad we aren't gonna finish what we started.

I followed Zane down  some halls and into a door when We walked in Zane sat behind a desk and motioned for me to follow. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me on his lap "Ashley, this is Gabriel, Charles, Joe, and Draven. They are my main men, your safety is what's more important right now and you are not to be home alone no matter what. You are to pick one of these men to stay with when I am not here to protect you, now who may it be?" I looked at all of them. Charles is the one who tried to touch me in the kitchen so I'll mark him off my list.

After I talked to the guys for a while I chose Draven. He seems cool. "Okay Ashley, we need a name of who your step dad is."

"H-his name is John Salvatore" Zane nodded and types away at his computer. After a while he stopped.

"Guys, we have a location!" He motioned for me to get up "Draven you stay with Ashley, Gabriel call the rest of the men including my dad, joe and Charles come with me." His voice held so much power and anger, I've never seen this side of him. I heard a round of 'yes sir' and they all left except Draven.

"So when were you going to tell me?" I asked him

"Tell you what?" He asked me confused

"That your gay" his eyes widened in shock and went back to normal size

"I'm not gay!"

"Your lying" I knew he was lying. The way he looked at Charles was a dead give away but there was other little things too.

"Ugh fine! How'd you find out!"

"You like Charles" I saw a small smile creep up on his face by the mention of his name but then it left as quick as it came.

"No I don't!"


"Maybe just a little" I smiled and hugged him.

"Awe it's okay!! I won't judge you for how you feel or who you like to bang" he just smacked me in the back of the head and we laughed as we left the room.

Zane's POV

We pulled up to an old ware house. Some of my men started getting out. I walked ahead because my men are my family. If anyone gets hurt first it will be me. Our guns were ready as we walked up to the door. I kicked the door in and motioned with my hands to tell my men to spread out. So far we didn't see anybody, I came up to a big steal door and noticed it was locked. I used my earpiece that we all have to communicate with each other and told my men to find a key.

After about 10 minutes of looking we got lucky, we found the key and opened the door as we all walked in we couldn't believe what we was seeing. It was a slave room, it had cuffs, chains, whips and anything else you can think of. There was a girl curled in the corner. She was really skinny and looked pale she was also unconscious. "Charles get the girl. Let's get her back" he picked her up bridal style and headed back to the cars. We all followed.

Ashley's POV

I was currently sitting in the living room with Draven watching movies and laughing. "So why don't you have a boyfriend?" I needed to know. He was really funny and cute too, I can't believe he isn't with anybody.

"Well I've only ever had a measly fuck now and than. It's kinda hard to have a relationship when the people you live with don't know."

"Why don't you tell them?" I was concerned. I wanted him to live happily

"Are you kidding? I live with all guys and if I tell them they might assume I want to bang them all. I don't want things to change." He was really upset. I could tell by his voice and he wouldn't make eye contact with me. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me.

"Listen, if they are your real friends they will love you no matter what...You deserve to live happily and not have to hide anything." He smiled and hugged me. Suddenly we heard a bunch of shouting and soon the guys barged in the house with a girl laying limp in Charles arms. "What the actual fuck?!?" I was shocked to say the least, they left to go find my step dad and comes back with an almost dead girl. They laid her on the couch ignoring my comment and a Doctor came in.

"Hello Dr.Wilson" Zane said as the doctor came over

"Hello Zane. It's like I live here I'm over so often" he chuckled and got to work on the girl. I walked over to Zane and smacked his head

"Ouch what the fuck was that for?" Seems I mad him angry. Good. I grab him by his arm and pulled him through the back door so we were alone. "Ashley! What the fuck is your problem?!"

"My problem? You told me you was going to go find my step dad who is trying to hunt me down and kill me but instead you leave and come back 4hrs later with a girl who is about to die in our living room on the couch!! Now tell me Zane, what do you think my problem is?!?" I was furious.

"Okay listen, I went where the place told me and it was an abandoned warehouse. No one was there except this girl we found in a slave room. If she tells us what we want we can let her go. Simple"

"IF? Zane you can't keep her hostage if she don't know anything!" What the hell is wrong with this boy!

"Like hell I can't. She knows something and she will tell me. There has to be a reason she was left behind"

"Zane you-" I was cut off by the doctor.

"Zane my boy! She's awake!" Zane smiled evilly and walked through the door and I followed. There she was sitting on the couch skinny, pale but conscious.

"Draven take Ashely somewhere upstairs" like hell I was just going to obey. He might kill her.

"Zane I am not-"

"NOW!" Damn I've never seen this side of him. It's scary but I must say it's sexy at the same time. I just glare and walk out with Draven.

Zane's POV

I walked over slowly and sat in front of the girl. "Where is he?" I questioned.

"Who?" She was shaking, I didn't care. All I care about is Ashley's safety

"Don't play fucking stupid! Where the hell is John?!"

"H-he left before you came. Please let me go" I slapped her. She held her cheek and looked at me.

"I will let you go when I say go. Did he know?"

"Know what?"

"We was coming?! Did he fucking know we was on our way!!"

"Y-YES!! Yes. He did! Please...please let me go."


"He got a text! Please..." I nodded at Charles and he blindfolded her and led her out. I don't want her to know where I am she might go back to John.

"What does this mean boss?" Gabriel asked.

"Well boys....seems we have a rat"

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