Chapter 6

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When I woke up I wasn't in my room, I had no memory of what happened the night before. I felt muscular arms around me and turned around, I came to face  a sleeping Zane. I looked down and realized I was wearing different clothes my mind suddenly thought the worse and I started beating his chest sobbing he sat up wide eyed "Ashley! Sweetie what's wrong?!" He grabbed my wrists to stop my attempts at hitting him some more. "Ashley stop! Okay? Breathe"

"No! You took it! You took everything from me, get away from me!!" I was an emotion wreck

"What the fuck are you talking about!!"

"Don't you dare play dumb with me you
Mother fucker! You took my virginity when I was venerable" I scooted away some more till I fell off the bed with a thump

"O my god, Ashley" he got off the bed and ran to my side and cupped my cheek. "No, baby, no"

"Zane be honest with me. Did or did you not take advantage of me when I was venerable"

"No Ashley! I would never! You had a panic attack, I tried to calm you but you passed out. I brought you to my room and I changed your clothes bc they looked uncomfortable. We just slept I swear! I would never make you do something I knew you wouldn't want fully" Zane looked so pained and worried. I knew I must of hurt him to accuse him of such things. I cupped his cheek and kissed him passionately and he kissed back after a while we pulled back and stared at each other "let's get you in bed, yeah?" I just nodded as he picked me up and laid me gently on the bed. I laid on his chest as he played with my hair. "Ashley..."


"Can you tell me?" I sat up and looked at him with a questioning look. "Tell me about the package" I knew he meant the whip and my eyes widened and I shook uncontrollably. "Ashley, listen, breath with me. In and out. In and out." Zane had his hand on my cheek while his other hand was on my waist holding me in place and making me look at him. He had the power to make me do anything. When I had panic attacks when I was younger nobody cared and I would always end up passing out. I can't say nobody bc Adam tried to help me once but he couldn't bring me out of it. Instantly Zane's presence and words calms me. "Ashley, please tell me. I can't help you if you don't let me"

"Zane..." my voice broke. "I-I- he"

"Shhh Ashley look at me and breath, you don't have to tell me now" I looked at him and shook my head, I had to tell him. He opened his arms for me and I instantly crawled in his lap and he help me tightly. His face, voice, body, scent. They all made me feel safe and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Zane...he-he used to whip me all the time" my voice was shaky but I knew I had to tell him. "He would lock me in the basement if I wasn't home at a certain time or-or If I didn't listen. I was basically his slave, he only raped me once tho he mostly just liked to beat me and hear me scream in pain. He-he liked to pleasure himself while I was in pain, screaming for him to stop" Zane tightened his grip at this point I couldn't go on but I knew I had to.

"Ashley, stop you don't-"

No Zane please, I do. It feels nice to have someone to share everything with" he simply nodded and let me continue while he held me as tight as he could agains his bare chest.

"He would come home late hours of the night just to lock me up in the basement and beat me. I could hardly go to school I ended up having to drop out which is part of the reason I had to become a stripper. I was a high school drop out with no family. One night he came home and I didn't comply with his wishes and he drugged me. When I woke up I was tied up naked on the floor while him and his friends all took pictures and took turns beating me. T-they didn't rape me which I was thankful of but after that night I ran away and that was the night I was found."

Flash back...

I just left my old home behind I had a tear stained face and I was sticky from all the cum on me from where I was tied up naked, taken pictures of, beat, and jacked off too. I walked down this alley and sat beside a dumpster and suddenly a man opened the door beside me and look down "ahh hello there young one, I'm Mark. Do you need some easy money?" I didn't want to trust this man but I had too, I needed money I needed a job so I followed him and he took me through these halls he brought me to a room full of under dressed girls. "Girls!" He pointed to three girls in the corner.
"This is winter our newbie, show her around" winter?

"Hello I'm precious, this is Desiree and Miley" she held her hand out and I shook it "don't worry, he seems like an ass but he isn't that bad" I smiled

"What is this place? What's my purpose of being here?"

"It's a strip club"

A strip club? When those words was spoken i left my old life behind and then became the virgin stipper.
End of flashback..

"I left my old life behind. No my dads in prison my moms dead and my step dad is looking for me trying to kill me!" I'm was an emotional wreck I couldn't stand it. "Zane help me...please"

"Shhh don't worry cara Mia, I'll protect you till my last breath." Zane said with so much truth in his words I curled up to his chest and fell asleep while he played with my hair.

The virgin StripperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang