You did this to yourself, Alicia.

Start from the beginning

"Monica, I don't think this is a good idea," Alicia ground out, seriously rethinking her life choices up to this point.

Monica hit her playfully, "Oh, c'mon, this is a total horror movie scenario," She laughed as if what she said was really funny, "Don't worry, Alicia, they wouldn't kill you off, you're the mature one."

Before Alicia could reprimand her for being such an idiot, a loud roar sounded through the building. Something akin to a-

"Hollow!" Monica squealed, her arms raised in victory.

Suddenly, one of the students yelled something, the group couldn't hear that well since they still hadn't gone any closer to the door, although an educated guess will tell you he had excused himself from class, since he ran out soon after.

Alicia drooped her shoulders, and sighed for the upteenth time, "Is that...?" She trailed off, no longer sure if she wanted to know the answer or not.

But it was too late, she couldn't take it back, not with Monica running after the kid and yelling her answer behind her, "Yup!"

Alicia closed her eyes for a moment, there was no way she wouldn't get a headache with how life was going right now. She looked away from Monica's quickly receding form just to make a noise of shock. When Kurosaki ran out, the rest of the classes appeared and the hallway really did look like any other school now.

"Zee," Alicia said, a little defeated, "Please tell me you know what's going on."

Zenith looked at Alicia for a moment and huffed out a laugh, their face relaxed into a half smile. "Not a clue," They said, as if this was their new normal and they were completely okay with it. They gave Alicia a little push, "Now, come on, Monica will wonder where we went."

They didn't notice, but the exact man Monica was originally looking forward to meeting had spotted them, and given that they're about the most suspicious thing he's seen since Kurosaki, he wasn't going to let them off scott-free.

Alicia and Zenith arrived outside the school a few minutes after Monica, since she had been following Ichigo, she ended up jumping out the second floor window, apparently you can't get hurt wherever they were, so that's good. Although, something in Alicia wished that Monica had gotten hurt, just so she can learn not to do it again.

The two sane people in the group took the stairs, Zee kind of wanted to go out the window but decided against it, since they weren't (as much of) an idiot. Alicia probably would've gone that way as well, but she hoped this would set some sort of example for her friend.

Since they arrived a little later, the scene in front of them didn't make total sense, Alicia at the very least understood why there are now two Kurosakis jumping around, although it didn't make it any less ridiculous. Zee on the other hand, decided to deal with whatever was happening with a glare.

Monica was yelling at both of the Ichigos, trying to get their attention, all she got were some weird looks from the one in normal clothes, and based on Monica's extensive knowledge (which in reality is like maybe half of the show, not including the filler and way too much fanfiction for any sane person), she knew that was Kon.

Alicia hadn't seen the entire show, she could admit to that, she could also admit to not seeing any of the show, maybe a few clips here and there and she might've read a few chapters in the manga but her knowledge was mostly limited to what Monica told her and what she learned from the app.

She was okay with staying out of what Monica was doing, she started to explain a little of what's happening to Zee, who, on the few occasions that he does listen to Monica's rants about said show, most definitely did not retain any of the information.

"So, that," Alicia pointed at the big, black, bug-looking monster with a mask on, "Is a hollow, there are different types but I guess that's like a basic one, I don't know."

Zee leveled a look at Alicia, as if to say 'I understand that much'.

Alicia continued nonetheless, she pointed to the two Kurosakis, "So the one in the black robe is normal Ichigo, I normally call him by his last name but it really doesn't matter," Then she pointed to the one in the school uniform, "I'm pretty sure that's Kon, but it's just temporary, when the black robed one leaves, it'll just be Kurosaki."

Monica turned back to yell at them, "It's not a robe, it's a dress!" Evidently, she heard at least one part of Alicia's explanation.

Zee nodded, "I can't promise I'm going to remember any of that." And Monica went ignored.

Again, she continued, "Well, he's a soul reaper and he's gotta kill the thing, I'm not sure why we can see them, we're not supposed to, but I guess nothing really makes sense."

Another roar emerged from the hollow as Ichigo dealt the killing blow, resulting in a gasp from Monica. She walked back to Alicia and Zee, holding her chest, "Oh, man, that scared the trash outta me," She laughed out. Her eyes widened for a second, as if she remembered something, she turned back and walked a lot faster than she normally does, towards what is now just one Ichigo.

Alicia and Zee were too far away to hear exactly what they were talking about, but judging by the confused stare on Ichigo's part and what actually seems like politeness coming from Monica, they figured it wasn't harmful.

Monica walked back towards them again, precise in her steps and head held high, she started giving them crazy eyes and tried to motion for them to start walking with her. Careful to be out of ear reach of the orange haired teen, Alicia spoke up, "What was that about?"

Zee tried to appear uncaring, they he couldn't help wondering as well.

The girl in question's face scrunched up the tiniest bit, it seemed she was avoiding the question again.

Before Alicia could do it, Zee hit their friend on the arm, "Spit it out, this has to do with all of us," They stated firmly.

Monica glared at the space in front of her for a little, they were still walking back to where the class had been, but had gotten back into the building. Monica laughed her awkward, fake laugh and replied, "Okay well I chickened out of calling him gay right away," Alicia's face remained blank, "But I already approached him, so I..." She laughed a little again, "You're gonna think this is hilarious, trust me, I told him that we're new here and we need directions to class."

Both Alicia and Zee released a breath they didn't know they were holding, Alicia was the one to say what was on both their minds, "I mean, I guess that's a little inconvenient but that's not too bad."

Monica laughed again, "Well, that's not it, exactly, y'see, when I said that, he wanted to know why you guys weren't asking with me," She paused for a second, "I panicked and said that you have a crush on him Alicia!"

Alicia hit her, not because she was mad, but because why.

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