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Okay so one of my biggest fears is having one of my stories copied.

Like, it gives me anxiety and shit. Just ugh

It's not that I exactly mind as you know what that say, it's the biggest form of flattery or whatever the saying is.

And no matter what,no one can write like I can. No one can what I do so it doesn't matter,

But it doesn't change the fact that it's annoying and discouraging as fuck.

Like my own creativity and originality can't be safe on a platform that's designed to do that. It so unfair.

So please.

If you know anyone, anyone at all, that may have copied from me. PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. (High key hoping no one responds to this but idk)

And it also helps when you also confront them and report them too. It really helps.

Just remember

I started 'Promiscuous' in February 2017 and this one shot book in January 2017. So that might help.

When I see authors get their work stolen and copied and their followers join in to fix it, it makes my heart so warm I feel so much better afterwards.

I don't not know of anyone that copied from me at this very moment but I know it's possible.

I've been gone for almost a year so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

I would always say if that happens then I'd just unpublish all my books but that's not what I want to do.

I can't let them get the better of me, so I'll fight it.

And you guys are so supportive and everything I feel like if it did happen, you guys would have my back and that makes me feel so much better

And if you think one of my stories is similar to someone else's, let me know too. It works both ways.

I don't want to copy or be copied. It's a terrible feeling. Idk how people can do that . I'd feel like complete scum tbh.

If you see on of my oneshots and want to make it into a book, then please ask and credit me for the idea. I don't mind!

I'm still iffy about translations because I had a not so great experience with that on my old account so I probably won't allow that anytime soon. Sorry!

So yeah that's it. I'm sorry for this little rant. I just need to get it out because it bothers me a lot.

Thank you guys for all the support. It really helps me a ton.

Also I want to try to update at least one a day or every other day. I got so many ideas from you guys so it's possible!

I love you guys so much. Expect an update tomorrow!

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