☕︎Happy?☕︎ [Vkook] 1

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There's nothing like a cup of tea on cold days

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There's nothing like a cup of tea on cold days


Taehyung and Jungkook had it tough. Getting money was a struggle. Fortunately, they both lived in a small apartment that used to belong to Taehyung's grandmother. At least they didn't have to worry about having a roof over there heads but they were worried about paying rent fully. They only had water at odd hours and electricity only at night when they couldn't, which didn't really matter since they both work until late anyway.

They could have asked their parents for help but they didn't want to burden them, especially after they insisted they would be just fine on their own. They were taking their relationship to the next level by living together and hopefully having kids some day.

Taehyung worked in a family restaurant while Jungkook worked at Korean barbecue restaurant two streets over. There wasn't enough vacancy for both of them to work together but they were grateful for the jobs.

Taehyung worked at the bar and after hours he would help wash dishes and clean up around the tables. For extra pay , he would sing to the dinners. It wasn't much but it made all the difference of their situation. He does it quite often since he gets positive feedback from the customers. Even though he was tired, he worked hard and never refused an opportunity to get more money.

One thing that keeps him going was knowing when he gets home, Jungkook would be waiting for him with a warm cup of tea and his lovely smile.

It's been a little harder to have money left over to save up because of that one thing, Jungkook's new found love for this tea. You see, this milk tea is one of the more expensive, fancy teas you would see in the store. Taehyung tried to tell him before that it was just too much to afford on their budget but he couldn't do it. He saw how much Jungkook enjoyed it and couldn't refuse. And now, he enjoys it as much as he does.

They drink every night like a ritual. Taehyung would come home later in the night since he has longer hours. Jungkook would greet him with a hug, then, they would both sit by the dinner table drinking the tea and talking about their day.

Taehyung is always eager for the end of the day just to have that moment, the one moment when he knows both of them are happy. In that moment they didn't worry about bills, work or not having food to eat that night. They just talked, having intimate and deep conversations, made each other laugh or say flirtatious comments to one another.

It was now getting closer to that time again when he could go. Until he was called over by his boss, his grandmother's old friend. She was a kind lady who was the only one who knew about his living conditions. She tries to help him out giving him extra jobs to do. She was the only one he trusted about his situation.

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